They're divided into numerous sub-groups. Anywhere the conquerors from Atlantis of old went, so too did the reach of their gods. The twin brother of Artemis - or Diana - Apollo has many associations including the sun, music, archery, prophecy and healing. The description of the Atlantean civilization given by Plato in the Critias may be summarized as follows. Leah felt great compassion for Eko, who felt like he had failed his mother and sisters. Apollo is the only god in the classical pantheon to share the same name in both Greek and Roman traditions. While enjoying the abundance natural to their semitropic location, the Atlanteans employed themselves also in the erection of palaces, temples, and docks. Eventually, the theory that the Mayan and Aztec cultures were connected to the ancient Atlanteans was formerly proposed by Mesoamerican scholars. Blonde hair is believed to carry the Curse of Kordax. All except Xisuthrus and Noah, who are substantially identical with the great Father of the Thlinkithians in the Popol Vuh, or the sacred book of the Guatemaleans, which also tells of his escaping in a large boat, like the Hindu Noah--Vaiswasvata. " In support of this viewpoint they describe the "gardens of Adonis, " which were small baskets of earth in which seeds were planted and nurtured for a period of eight days. She has also been associated with fertility, music and physical pleasure. Adonis as the "gored" (or "god") man is one of the keys to Sir Francis Bacon's use of the "wild boar" in his cryptic symbolism. Was Atlantis really inspired by a world that was stolen away by the ocean? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Humanoid In total, the Atlanteans had somewhere between 500 and 5000 deities, several thousands more demigods, like Atrehinow the demigod who fought the four snakes, defeated them and punished them by forcing the snakes to hold up the sky. In the Atlantean Current of the Draconian Tradition, Sepheranz is the hidden fourth point of the Atlantean Trident, a group of witchcraft gods including Lucifer, Belial, Hecate, and Sepheranz, which group is exoterically described as only having three members (i.e., Sepheranz is excluded). In particular, she wreaked vengeance on the . Can breathe underwater, endure the pressures of the deep (among other adaptations), and posses superhuman levels of strength, speed, endurance and durability. The winged man was a mythological creature that appeared in the weeks before a great disaster. (See Beginnings or Glimpses of Vanished Civilizations.) Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Their children become less powerful with each . The most intriguing, perhaps, is whether the story has any historical accuracy whatsoever. As more and more potential references continue to come to light regarding Atlantis, there continue to be different proposed sites of Atlantis that come to light. Yet the thick plumes of ash covered the world in darkness and now also the algae of the sea started dying. Badarus had an estranged, but apparently happy, marriage to the Atlantean Goddess of the home waters, Amnis. This greed caused them to look past their own country and seek to conquer other lands. This greed is often said to have come when the gods began to intermarry with the humans living on the island. Poseidon apportioned his continent among these ten, and Atlas, the eldest, he made overlord of the other nine. (See the Popol Vuh.) Instead, they believed that the Mayans were a separate race entirely that had somehow disappeared and was lost to history. Bridges were constructed leading into the island and tunnels were carved into the moats to allow the passage of boats in and out of the main city. According to Sanchoniathon, Ouranos was the son of Autochthon, and, according to Plato, Autochthon was one of the ten kings of Atlantis. This website also explores some of the origins of mythology and includes appearances of familiar mythological characters in popular culture. Alternative History is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. When those plants prematurely died for lack of sufficient earth, they were considered emblematic of the murdered Adonis and were usually cast into the sea with images of the god. Above Mercury are the planes of Venus, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, the latter containing the symbols of the Zodiacal constellations. In the midst of the Atlantean program of world colonization and conversion, the cataclysms which sank Atlantis began. Poseidon was given the island of Atlantis which was actually the size of a continent. They even adopted unique methods so that they could appease their gods and goddesses. The center of the Atlantean Wisdom-Religion was presumably a great pyramidal temple standing on the brow of a plateau rising in the midst of the City of the Golden Gates. In the center grew a huge ceiba tree, the cosmic tree. S3:Ep4 26 mins. The title of "winged" or "plumed" snake was applied to Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan, the Central American initiate. The Titans Family Tree is a 'who's who' of the family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main characters who feature in the legends and mythology of the Titans. First mentioned in Plato's The Republic, Atlantis was the Poseidon-worshipping city state held to be a pinnacle of ethics. This civilization, the Atlanteans, like every other civilization in Age of Mythology, has major differences which make it unique. Greek goddesses are good archetypal figures because of their exaggerated personalities. Based on a story by Lin and Don Donn -, used with permission.Athena and Poseidon | Greek Mythology Stories | An. They were sometimes portrayed as jaguar gods, with their hands placed over their heads. Sign Up to Watch. Leahs pure love caused the plants to spring back to life and Asha smiled upon her. The people had a unique belief system when it came to religious and spiritual matters. Here again is a repetition of the story of Osiris, Bacchus, Adonis, Balder, and Hiram Abiff. Its roots grew deep into the underworld; its branches reached upwards towards the heavens and supported it. Worship of the Atlantean pantheon can also be found in small areas scattered throughout the rest of the world. They bridged the zones of sea and later dug a deep canal to connect the outer ocean with the central island, where stood the palaces And temple of Poseidon, which excelled all other structures in magnificence. In matters of war and great moment the final decision was in the hands of the direct descendants of the family of Atlas. Spes) The . Here also the kings donned azure robes and sat in judgment. THE END. Now, when the gods divided among themselves different regions of the earth, the island of Atlantis was allotted to Poseidon, who settled there the children he had begotten of a mortal woman.In the middle of the island there was a fertile plain, and in its centre there stood a mountain where the autochthons (offspring of the soil) Evenor 4 and Leucippe 6 lived with their daughter Cleito 2. He was renowned for his many translations of ancient texts like the Popol Vuh (an ancient Mayan sacred book) and was known to have gathered a great amount of information on the history of the region. Names of deities that are italicized have not been active/seen in over a year as of July 2021. Names of deities that are bold are active as of July 2021. When alien beings came to Earth to guide the people of Atlantis, they were seen as gods. She took part in the Calydonian boar hunt. Though there was no concrete evidence, some who investigated thought they had found connections between Greek and the Mayan language, leading to even more speculation of connections to the lost continent. Satisfied with himself, he withdrew to observe his creation. In times of drought, prayers, and sacrificessometimes humanswere offered to him. Those who do are linked. The Atlantean is the pantheon of the spirits of the lost civilization of Atlantis; they play a limited role in Scion. While nothing has been concrete enough to e proven, there have been many theorists who have attempted to show that their country, race, island, etc., are descendants of the Atlanteans. The twin sisters were polar opposites. The four cardinal directions and their corresponding colors (east - red; north - white; west - black; south - yellow) played an important part in the Mayan calendrical systems and religious beliefs as well. Star System Of Origin Initiation with Matias De Stefano. The hero Eninninath ones visited one of the snakes and took one of its scales out. Zeus, perceiving the wickedness of the Atlanteans, gathered the gods into his holy habitation and addressed them. These claims are made for a number of reasons some make their theories due to geographical context that is given in the texts of Plato and other ancient recorders. Over the bolts on the door of the house of Irkalla is scattered dust, and the keepers of the house are covered with feathers like birds. To the rites of Atys the modern world is indebted for the symbolism of the Christmas tree. Thalassa, Goddess of the Sea, and Tessa, Goddess of Nature. . The gods Ares and Hermes competed a boxing match to win her love. From here the Initiate-Priests of the Sacred Feather went forth, carrying the keys of Universal Wisdom to the uttermost parts of the earth. Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of Love. In the Mysteries of Isis the trunk of a PINE TREE is cut: the middle of the trunk is nicely hollowed out; the idol of Osiris made from those hollowed pieces is BURIED. Others believe the Cabiri to be the seven sacred wanderers, later called the planets. The waters of life--the secret doctrine--cure the diseases of ignorance; and the spirit, ascending again to its divine source, regains its God-given adornments as it passes upward through the rings of the planets. The war was devastating as many tertiary gods, demigods, demons and monsters sided with one of the four elemental gods. Scions of Badarus were among the civilization's greatest explorers, visiting the four corners of the . Number of Toes Electra - (a.k.a. Poseidon's own temple, its exterior entirely covered with silver and its pinnacles with gold, also stood within the citadel. Sekaria was beautiful, but also cold and absent of any passion. The explosion of Thera, however, made way for the warring city-state of ancient Greece to take over in terms of power. Open Monday to Saturday 10.30am-6.00pm Telephone: 020 7405 2120 While they didnt believe the entirety of Platos tale, they were of the opinion that there was some truth to the story of Atlantis the only question was what had been exaggerated or fabricated, and what could be used as a clue to discover the identity of Atlantis. Although worshipped nonetheless, the children of the firstborn Gods are therefore seen as minor deities. In one myth surrounding the circumstances of Hephaestus' birth, as it is referenced in Hesiod's Theogony, Hera "was very angry and quarreled with her mate" (Theogony, 901), which provoked her to bear . While the bird-headed gods seem very different, the powers of the Egyptian gods can . In the Timus is a further description of Atlantis, supposedly given to Solon by an Egyptian priest and which concludes as follows: "But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of rain all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared, and was sunk beneath the sea. Prime Earth Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea. The Gulf of Laconia is often pointed to as a likely location for the settlement of Atlantis because of its close relation to an ancient geographical location the Pillars of Heracles. There were six stages of Altantis. The ten kings of Atlantis are the tetractys, or numbers, which are born as five pairs of opposites. 1 . This is likely one of the biggest influences in the Mayanism that lead people to connect the Mayans to the ancient civilization of Atlantis. Adonis was originally an androgynous deity who represented the solar power which in the winter was destroyed by the evil principle of cold--the boar. From Cartari's Imagini degli Dei degli Antichi. According to legend, the ancient gods and goddesses divided all the land in the world among each other. However, these opinions are somewhat controversial considering that the Atlanteans would have had to attacked from the south if they came from these islands not from the west like the stories clearly state. The Mysteries of Adonis, or Adoni, were celebrated annually in many parts of Egypt, Phnicia, and Biblos. They were believed to be the four Atlantean gods - the giants. Thus cured of the infirmities inflicted on her, she retraces her way upward through the seven gates, at each of which she is reinvested with the article of apparel which the guardians had removed. With outspread wings, Ishtar, the daughter of Sin (the Moon), sweeps downward to the gates of death. 4 1) #55 (March 1982), and was created by Paul Kupperberg and Jan Duursema. The plain was divided into sections, and in time of war each section supplied its quota of fighting men and chariots. We have thus the whole family of gods and goddesses traced back to Atlantis. The Atlantean pantheon can be divided into five generations. In addition to being king of the island, he was also named king of the sea. So there was even a greater mixture of races/beings in Atlantis than there was even in Lemuria. The Atlantean creation story is way too long to completely write here so this is basically what happens: In Atlantean mythology, in the beginning Xadow was all that was, Xadow was a genderless, limitless, formless and lonely god, and because he was so lonely he decided to make the four secondary deities, Igynath, Lonow, Etath, Idesow. Fifteen gods (Anubis, Bastet, Bes, Geb, Hathor, Horus, Neith, Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Ra, Set, Shu, and Tefnut) stand out as being the most significant religiously or the most prominent in terms of the political power of their priesthoods. When the Europeans first encountered the Americas, they were instantly fascinated with the indigenous tribes especially the Mayans and their ruins. They were believed to be the four Atlantean gods the giants. Atlantis It is thought that upwards of 40,000 people died in only a few hours and it is thought that tsunami waves at least 40 feet in height were generated. Akadema did not enjoy herself as much as she had imagined, yet she honored their agreement. Number of Limbs The divine (Atlantean) progenitors of the Mayas and Quichs of Central America coexisted within the green and azure radiance of Gucumatz, the "plumed" serpent. Herodotus relates that when Cambyses entered the temple of the Cabiri he was unable to restrain his mirth at seeing before him the figure of a man standing upright and, facing the man, the figure of a woman standing on her head. The volcanic nature of the islands now existing in the Atlantic Ocean corroborates Plato's statement that the Atlantean continent was destroyed by volcanic cataclysms. Apollymi (Goddess of Life, Death and Wisdom; Spouse of Archon; Mother of Apostolos; Destroyer of the Atlantean Pantheon.) Amphitrite was the goddess who spawned the sea's rich bounty--fish and shellfish--as well as dolphins, seals and whales. 14, it is written that women were weeping for Tammuz (Adonis) at the north gate of the Lord's House in Jerusalem. Atlanteans are a race of advanced human beings who founded the fabled empire of Atlantis. And what can be taken from the tale of a race that was once proud and mighty before being brought to humility by the gods of Ancient Greece. These snakes are the children of Skreow (the god of the sky) and Artelina, a giantess. According to Atlantean beliefs the Gods draw their powers from the primordial beings of Asha and Jovian. Itzmna (who had many names) was Yucatn Maya sky god, the most important and powerful god of heaven and the Sun, usually considered the supreme deity and lord of all the gods. . Origen, Porphyry, Proclus, Iamblichus, and Syrianus realized that the story concealed a profound philosophical mystery, but they disagreed as to the actual interpretation. p. 34. Many ancient Maya reliefs are decorated with depictions of the Bacabs, in human-like form as men with long beards and wearing conch shells. Unfortunately, however, the island once inhabited by the scholars had since been lost to the ocean and their knowledge along with it. Throughout countless generations cultures have romanticized the lost civilization of Atlantis the lost world of leaders and great minds that was brought to its knees from its own greed. From a consideration of all these ancient and secret rituals it becomes evident that the mystery of the dying god was universal among the illumined and venerated colleges of the sacred teaching. Here is the archetype of the New Jerusalem, with its streets paved with gold and its twelve gates shining with precious stones. They're divided into numerous sub-groups. The conflict came to an end by the submersion of the Atlantis; which finds its imitation in the stories of the Babylonian and Mosaic flood: The giants and magicians '* * * and all flesh died * * * and every man.' The civilization who worshiped them was destroyed by the other pantheons when it was overrun with and controlled by Titans, and all evidence of both Atlantis and their pantheon were destroyed, save for one dedicated Pesedjet scribe. Sekaria agreed, and they made love. Can breathe underwater, endure the pressures of the deep (among other adaptations), and posses superhuman levels of strength, speed, endurance and durability. The myth of Tammuz and Ishtar is one of the earliest examples of the dying-god allegory, probably antedating 4000 B. C. (See Babylonia and Assyria by Lewis Spence.) Many people think that Clement was referring to the lost land of Atlantis because of the way that he describes this far off place. Action Comics #18(November, 1939). Plato is well known for his many philosophical works such as The Republic, but curiously enough the story of Atlantis was not meant to be one of his more prominent works. The offspring of the Titans became known as the Firstborn Gods. In one he was gored to death like Adonis; in the other he emasculated himself under a pine tree and there died. Fertility, music and physical pleasure Beginnings or Glimpses of Vanished Civilizations. thick... 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