Last November, IOSCO chair Ashley Alder set out a five-point roadmap that securities watchdogs expect the IFRS Foundation to follow if they are to endorse the climate-change standard before the end of 2022 as the global baseline for climate disclosures. However, for Andromeda Wood, vice president of regulatory strategy . So, in practical terms, the gulf is no gulf, but a gap. More immediately, the difference between an efficient response to COVID-19 and an inefficient one could create a $9 trillion swing in GDP. Businesses, regulators, and governments will have to convene and work together rapidly to develop them. Forest fires raged across Europe, part of a London suburb caught light, and hurricane-force winds left a trail of destruction in southern Austria. The compliance burden for companies will be high but for investors with multiple companies to monitor, the information burden will be even higher. Double materiality. Frederick Alexander is Founder of The Shareholder Commons; Holly Ensign-Barstow is Director of Stakeholder Governance & Policy at B Lab. The complex nature of the investment market, with some investors picking stocks for their portfolios and others being invested in index funds, means that companies have to cater to a massive array of information needs. In the alternative double-materiality rubric, financial materiality is referred to as outside-in information, because it addresses how social and environmental matters affect the company. > ISSB 2023 . Even if the ISSB wanted to include double materiality, it could well meet with opposition in jurisdictions still coming to terms with even basic sustainability reporting. The Schroders Report calculated that one third of all listed companies around the world created net social costs that exceeded their profits. When a company saves costs with cheaper, carbon-intense energy, it trades away climate mitigation (which supports the intrinsic value of the economy) in exchange for more internal profit. The ISSB agreed to fully align its description of materiality with IFRS Accounting Standards. In the other camp sits EFRAG, which through the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) seeks to implement a double materiality approach, a concept which encompasses financial materiality and impact materiality. As noted above, the GRIs disclosure standards adopt a broad, multi-stakeholder interpretation of materiality. There are some other areas that need ironing out too before standard setters finish their work. These phrases refer to the need for investors to pay more attention to the environmental and social (E/S) impacts of the businesses in which they invest. Currently, companies and financial institutions utilize a variety of voluntary frameworks often referred to as the ESG alphabet soup to guide disclosure in sustainability reports and other corporate communications. For financial reporting, for example, companies assess materiality from the perspective of one stakeholder group: investors and lenders, the primary users of financial statements. There have long been investors who shunned sin stocksalcohol, tobacco, and gambling companies, for example. Modern investing principles obligate those institutions to diversify their investments, because diversification allows them to earn the higher financial returns that come from bearing risk while diversifying some of that risk away. Information on a company is material and should therefore be disclosed if "a reasonable person would consider it [the information] important", according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission . This cost was more than 50 percent of the profits those companies reported. They threaten the functioning of the economic, financial and wider systems on which investment performance relies. Interest 61 (1971). ISSB to include GRI and ESRS in IFRS S1 sources of guidance; . To accomplish this, the General Requirements Standard recommends that companies provide both quantitative data-based disclosures as well as qualitative narrative-driven disclosures. Once such a standard is established, failure to adhere will become a reputational and regulatory risk, so that the question of meeting that standard becomes financially material. Double, Sesqui, and "Regular" Materiality: Sustainability Disclosures and Different World Views - Responsible Investment Association Menu MENU En Fr RI Marketplace Membership About the RIA Intro to Responsible Investment Membership RI Marketplace Magazine Events Research & Policy Training & Certification Leadership Awards Contact Us As the process of sustainability reporting moves from voluntary to mandatory, companies with mature sustainability disclosure programs are likely to be well positioned to meet the evolving demands of stakeholders and regulators. Thats why we were created. Take the comment letter from David Russell, the UK Universities Superannuation Schemes head of responsible investment. . See Andrew Howard, SustainEx: Examining the Social Value of Corporate Activities (Schroders 2019). Companies are advised to monitor the continued development of the exposure drafts and may wish to consider aligning future sustainability reporting with key components of the General Requirements Standard, including relying on company- and industry-appropriate standards such as those of SASB. "Enterprise value is a backward-looking, lagging indicator," it said, adding that . This would appear as a balance sheet reserve, representing funds set aside to pay future obligations. Firstly, the time element will force companies reporting under either the ISSBs and SECs rules to include outward impacts since, logically, the outward impact will eventually work its way inward. 2017 ESG metrics will typically say something like, companies in X industry often hire low-wage workers in countries with poor regulatory schemes; this can expose them to reputational risk and cost increases over the long term and perhaps increased regulation and enforcement or fuel prices are subject to rapid change and efficiency measures can limit future costs. Accordingly, the disclosure line items will require the company to describe the programs and standards in place to assure workers are not being abused, its record in meeting such standards and relevant legal requirements, its plans to reduce fuel use, etc. - 2023 PwC. : More unites standard setters than divides them, Total Impact Measurement & Management (TIMM), ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). Adding beta information to the ISSB reporting standard would not significantly enlarge the reporting requirement because any company conduct that threatens or benefits beta is likely to create corresponding regulatory and reputational risks and benefits to enterprise value, so that most beta information should be deemed material even under a putative ESG standard. This recognition that change at one firm can affect the value of other firms in the portfolio implies a new goal for activism: namely, to engineer a net gain for the portfolio, possibly by reducing negative externalities that one firm is imposing on other firms in the investors portfolio. E/S information that involves the residue of E/S impacts that do not affect investment returns, but that impact on other matters that are important to individual investors (non-financial investor impacts). EFRAGs proposed standard only asks that companies break the shackles of certainty and short-term thinking to report on the things that they are likely already or should be factoring into their business planning anyway. Ensure that the drafters of the ISSB keep front of mind the fact that most of the investors for whom ISSB is being created are diversified. Green Finance Institute director tells Chatham House while MP support double materiality approach. In this Alert, we outline the contents of the draft standards focusing on the General Requirements Standard and situate them within the context of converging voluntary disclosure standards and increasing regulation. 1. It means prioritising the long-term, absolute returns for universal owners, including real-term financial and welfare outcomes for beneficiaries more broadly. It suggests that corporate activity that threatens critical systems is not material if that activity does not threaten enterprise value at the company in question. That is why we attempt to regulate companies: the choices that are best from an individual company financial perspective are not always best for society and the environment. For example, if a company is using water at an unsustainable rate, this would have to be reported as a long-term risk to cash flows, just as it would be under EFRAGs approach. The ISSB and EU bodies are collaborating to create an interoperability mapping table to highlight the intersection.The key challenge here is to maximise the content in the intersection and avoid having similar requirements that are excluded from the intersection because they are subtly different. As one work describes this, [a]ccording to widely accepted research, alpha [over- or under-performance of individual securities] is about one-tenth as important as beta [and] drives some 91 percent of the average portfolios return. Stephen Davis, Jon Lukomnik, and David Pitt-Watson,What They Do with Your Money(2016). The market must find a way to determine when this is important, and crucially, when it is not. Even without such alignment, in valuation terms enterprise value is typically determined by calculating the net present value of forecast future cash flows and takes a market perspective which by nature encompasses all available information and takes a very long-term view (into perpetuity). Materiality: The First Step in ESG Management The easiest way to think of materiality is as a relevancy filter for the issues that matter most to an organization. This is the same way that traditional financial disclosures work: the purely financial data securities regulators require informs investors about items such as historical earnings data, sources of liquidity, and risk factors. (b) disclosures to investors, lenders and other creditors about sustainability matters that affect their assessment of enterprise valuethese disclosures enable investors, lenders and other creditors to understand the impacts that sustainability-related risks and opportunities have on the value, timing and certainty of the entitys future cash flows, over the short, medium and long term and therefore users assessment of enterprise value. For similar reasons, Professor John Coffee predicted in a recent article that beta would surpass ESG integration as a motive for investor activism: This latter form of activism [beta focused] is less interested in whether the target firms stock price rises (or falls) than in whether the activist investors engagement with the target causes the total value of this investors portfolio to rise (which means that the gains to the other stocks in the portfolio exceed any loss to the target stock). See Thomas C. Schelling, On the Ecology of Micromotives, 25 Pub. The reason is that if a companys activities create the type of economic risk that threatens beta, it will almost surely be at risk for damaged reputation, increased regulation, and the increased costs that follow regulation. The ISSB indicated that its aim is for the complete set of ISSB Standards, once finalized, to provide a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosures for investors in global capital markets to use when assessing the value of companies. These are difficult issues to report on, rife with judgement, and companies do not yet feel safe doing it especially when it comes to enforcement. ESRS 2 General disclosures providing DRs on general reporting issues, governance, strategy and business model and the double materiality assessment process of sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities. This is not unfamiliar territory new accounting standards and regulatory reporting requirements come up from time to time. The ISSB issued International Financial Reporting Standard S1, General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information, and IFRS S2, Climate-related disclosures, in March. Read our policy. Yet away from the awkward realities of climate change, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was proving it could respond in a crisis. But, two subtle differences in how the ISSB and SEC both require the calculation of enterprise value mean that reporting entities using this standard would end up reporting broadly similar material information as those using the EFRAG standard. Sustainability materiality must be accepted as ever evolving, as it is for financial statement materiality. The UK government has gone a step further, signaling it intends to adopt the ISSBs standards as part of future mandatory sustainability reporting requirements under the Sustainability Disclosure Regulation (SDR).2. For workers who are beneficiaries of many retirement plans, employment may be the most important financial asset. As such, we urge you to rethink your whole approach to this issue. And, in practice, a small one at that. Steering clear of this risk is likely to require, at most, minor adjustments in methodology; moreover, the initial ISSB documentation, while ambiguous, does not preclude such considerations. These are the risks to the social and environmental systems in which the economy is embedded. measuring and reporting carbon emissionsthat serve both purposes. If their content is aligned then the effect will be powerful. 3233596, VAT No. The ISSB documentation does not addressor even acknowledgethe possibility of providing beta or non-financial investor information. Diversified shareholders will internalize the costs of this negative-sum behavior through the economic harm the rest of their portfolios absorb. And if their rate of extraction is causing drought in a local area then in 15 years or fewer they must report this too, since their activities are having a negative impact on the environment. Not that this in any way prejudges the issue. EFRAG's work is rooted in double materiality and Faber said the ISSB is "embracing [this approach] when it comes to looking at all the impacts, significant impact that companies are going to have on their ecosystem. Enterprise value is a global concept and is the market value of a companys shares and the market value of its debt. We thank Paisley Ashton-Holt, Tom Beagent, Henry Daubeney, Will Evison, Alan McGill, Andreas Ohl, Atul Patel, Naomi Rigby and Katie Woods for their insightful contributions to this article. What should be the role of investors when it is governments that have the most power to effect change? Tony Moller provided valuable research and drafting assistance in support of this Alert. ISSBs Proposed Framework Seeks to Unify Global Sustainability Disclosure Standards, Private Equity International Responsible Investment Forum, Kirkland Advises Greenbriar Equity Group on $3.475 Billion Fundraise for Oversubscribed Sixth Fund, Kirkland Advises Patient Square Capital on Record $3.9 Billion Inaugural Fundraise, General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information, European Sustainability Reporting Standards. EFRAGs definition of double materiality encompasses an inward element (effects on the company from external sources) and an outward element (effects the company has on externalities). The planned agenda consultation has also been pushed back into next year. For example, an investor might conclude that a company can avoid reputational, regulatory, and supply chain risks by adopting better labor and energy practices. It explains the approaches of the GRI Standards ( impact materiality), the IFRS' International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) ( financial materiality) and the incoming European Sustainability Reporting Standards ( double materiality), and how they interconnect. The version of enterprise value we use in financial reporting today would consider the effect of many sustainability matters on long-term cash flows as hardly material since they are inherently uncertain and typically have little effect on the business today. However, there are nuances in the definitions which mean that companies may ultimately end up reporting broadly similar information under all three reporting frameworks. This includes activities that relate to other organisations in the value chain or in the sector if they could have potential consequences for the company itself. Posted by Frederick Alexander (The Shareholder Commons), on, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, on One Small Step From Financial Materiality to Sesquimateriality: A Critical Conceptual Leap for the ISSB, Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value, Reconciling Fiduciary Duty and Social Conscience: The Law and Economics of ESG Investing by a Trustee. This is similar to the architecture of the TCFD and ISSB. The ISSB will deliver a global baseline of sustainability disclosures to meet capital market needs. Given the real reputational and regulatory risk for companies that rely on externalized costs, those of us focused on beta impacts can do several things with the ISSB process. But these standards do not provide for a grade or make a judgment as to whether the companys treatment of workers or fuel efficiency will in fact threaten its cash flows and enterprise value: that is generally left for investors to decide. This means disclosing information related to a companys social or environmental impact that is likely to affect its enterprise value. None of these practical difficulties, however, ought to derail efforts to align. The ISSB drafters should recognize the risk that excluding beta could, at the margins, lead to the omission of decision-critical information for investors concerned with company impact on social and environmental systems that support other portfolio companies. The ISSB's superpower may lie in illuminating issues that are emerging across the global markets for consideration by investors and the broader markets. The distance between the emerging definitions of materiality in sustainability reporting is smaller than you think and heres why it shouldnt prevent progress towards global alignment. We must focus on what unites us in agreement and we cannot afford for minor differences to get in the way of progress. Before discussing the ISSB and the desirability of a sesquimateriality standard, we review several elements of E/S investing. The General Requirements propose two possibilities, which correspond to what disclosure specialists call financial materiality and double materiality. The first is disclosure designed for ESG integration. If risks of this sort materialised, they would therefore damage the performance of a portfolio as a whole and all portfolios exposed to those systems. The materiality principle chosen in the General Requirements seems to ignore the most important issue on the table without explanation. In addition to interests in alpha and beta, shareholders may be otherwise affected by the E/S impact of companies in which they invest. Registered Office: 1 Kentish Buildings, 125 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NP, UK pension risk transfer market set for bumper 2023. Putting businesses on the path to a low carbon economy will require access to funding throughout the transition. They both support a materiality assessment based on the potential effect on the companys enterprise value. E/S information that impacts the costs that companies externalize to the economy, which affect overall securities market returns (beta), and thus the returns of other companies in an investors portfolio. But investors wont give companies a free pass and their patience will wear thin quickly if companies do not appear to take this reporting seriously. Changes in the reserve would flow into the statement of comprehensive income and then through the statement of changes in equity. All rights reserved. Financial reporting standards have proven to be a driving force of stability and development in our global capital markets. The focus of the General Requirements on ESG integration appears to reject the notion that information relevant to beta is important to shareholders. Because the ISSB is a standard for disclosure, and not for action, it can be neutral on which side to take and simply provide beta-relevant information, in order to inform investors of the trades being made. Thats why we were created. The following chart sums up the four possible uses of data for which the ISSB might be optimized: As investors have become more cognizant of the importance of corporate impact on society and the environment, disclosure standards proliferated, making it difficult to compare the impact of companies that report on different standards. Thirdly, it is the case that companies will not always know exactly who their shareholders or investors are and what they care about. All of this will edge companies closer towards a materiality assessment based on both the companys impact on the world around it as well as the potential effect on its enterprise value; in other words, and for all practical purposes, applying a double materiality concept. Although the ISSB does not provide specific guidance on where such disclosures must be made relative to general purpose financial reports, it emphasizes that sustainability-related information should be disclosed simultaneously with standard financial information and in as integrated a manner as possible. Notably, the ISSBs disclosure regime is predicated on an assessment of financial materiality. See Bill Baue, Compared to What? Impact materiality means that the activity affects either people or the environment, whether directly via the companys operations or indirectly in its value chain. CSRD explicitly requires double-materiality reporting and so vastly expands the scope of disclosure from considering only sustainability risks that companies face (i.e. Not all investors are diversified, so if a company protects beta by accepting reduced enterprise value, it may be favoring diversified investors at the expense of concentrated investors. The General Requirements Standard specifies that potentially material sustainability-related considerations include activities and relationships related to an entitys value chain, which it defines as the full range of activities, resources and relationships related to a reporting entitys business model and the external environment in which it operates.. Planetary forces much greater than cataclysmic weather events have decided that. The General Requirements Standard creates an umbrella of disclosure expectations that will apply across all of the ISSBs forthcoming sustainability topic-specific standards, including the Climate Standard. Socially responsible investing. Finally, a number of prominent global financial regulators including the SEC, the UK Financial Conduct Authority, the European Commission, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), the Japanese Financial Services Authority, the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan Preparation Committee and the Chinese Ministry of Finance have agreed to join a working group focused on compatibility between the ISSBs standards and new regulations. Nevertheless, portfolio theorys prescription of diversification certainly suggests that widely held entities should give strong consideration to diversified investors interests. Expanding the ISSB definition of materiality to include beta information would not significantly expand the reporting burden. Unfortunately, the present obligation might not exist at the reporting date but could be a real future impact. The ISSB intends to detail baseline requirements that ensure companies provide investors with a complete set of disclosures on sustainability risks and opportunities that could affect enterprise value, in order to complement the information provided in financial statements. No business has a crystal ball and the provision of forward-looking information will inevitably mean that certain items, incidents and events are missed. 'The ISSB has a definition of materiality that could allow Europe to overlay double materiality, although more detail is needed, which hopefully will come from the . EFRAG refers to impacts on people and the environment [that] may be considered pre-financial in the sense that they may become material for financial reporting purposes over time. The message is clear: to optimize returns, investors must exercise their governance rights and other prerogatives to protect themselves and their beneficiaries from individual companies that threaten beta. The ISSB will accept feedback on its General Requirements and Climate Standards until July 29, 2022, and will incorporate the comments it receives into its final sustainability reporting standards, expected by the end of 2022. The ISSB is the product of agreement among a critical mass of relevant industry participants to develop a uniform standard for disclosure of social and environmental impact. Ultimately, investors and other stakeholders need access to information both financial and sustainability-related with sufficient transparency to be able to send the right market signals to companies about the kind of corporate behaviour they expect and will support. Not unfamiliar territory new Accounting standards and regulatory reporting Requirements come up from time to time aligned... The scope of disclosure from considering only sustainability risks that companies face ( i.e pay future obligations focus on unites! 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