I love seeing bitch eating crackers threaded through the various websites I read :-), Thats totally my thing. Yeah, I use it when I cant think of one single question Im asking, but rather Im looking for someones take on how to handle a situation. me: yes I was shocked. I always read it like shes yodeling at me. The only thing worse is the Please advice that I would get from a former coworker (a native English speaker, though you wouldnt know from her messages). If it sounds normal and polite out loud, I think its fine to use in an email. In Taiwan, the one that was odd to me was addressing people as dears whether in the email salutation or in person. Please Keep Me Up To Date + Read the full interview, I believe its going to smooth business communications", I am really satisfied with the answer and turnaround time. This is interesting. if you would prefer. Me: OK, Ill pick some and have a draft for you to review next week. Or something to that effect. im consistently surprised/fascinated by the responses i read here, and its why ill never be able to stay away. I often use it with my boss or MOR to get their advice i.e. +1. as is brekky, I think. update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? Oh, The Eyes! What did you get done?: Oh, just the needful.. Well, to be fair, I was trying to derail his political career. Most of the email is explaining the situation, then please advise.. Thanks, Persephone! If using Please advise gets you that upset to spend paragraphs complaining about it, it sounds like you need a serious vacation. Also, just the sheer volume of email I got made it necessary to adopt some kind of triage system, and people who plainly asked for what they wanted from me always got priority. I dont typically send reminders because I figure you are a grown-up and you can (should be able to) manage your own deadlines. For me, Id rather people just ask me the question (assuming Im not on the phone in mid-sentence) rather than ask me if I have time or if Im busy. The third is forward yet subduednot a bad option, honestly. This is what I generally do. I lay out the problem and then ask for advice. People arent usually willfully distorting what they read or hear in these situations. I interpret it in one of the following ways: I have a lady who has Thank YOU! (note the application of all-caps) as part of her email signature I read it differently but I dont interact with her on a day-to-day basis so I just suck it up. Traduccin Context Corrector Sinnimos Conjugacin. :D Drugs are bad. Although I would agree that there are worse email offenses. I dont like gentle reminder either, but I think prefacing this kind of request with Just a reminder without the gentle is not a bad idea. There are a lot of things that I wish someone would have told me about at the very beginning especially email etiquette. It seems more like the person assumes that an IM is less invasive/interrupting than a phone call, so they want to check in before calling. = Question Please tell me where you WENT. And please let me know when his lawyer gets here. my new hire is too attractive for me to manage her, my coworker has celebrity friends, asking to come back to an interview question, and more, Ive been grumpy at work, warning my predecessor about her reference, and more, http://thebillfold.com/2014/06/office-speak-defined/, should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. I'm definitely trying to be polite! I bet these are the same thrifty people who are saving their turn signals for some special occasion. teehee! similar ( 8 ) Let me know your thoughts and advice below. One thing you can do, is watch how other people close their emails and steal the best ideas from what you see. Would people be shocked? Maybe its regional? I admit that Im sometimes inclined to send a not-so-gentle reminder by the time Im sending the xth reminder. EmilyG, can you reboot the X server because it appears to be down and I need to work on Y. TIA! was reasonable enough. Want to hear the craziest email pet peeve? Or, I schedule a 15 minute call with a conference line and ask them to phone in. Could you please advise? I feel that, if I leave this last sentence out, my email will sound bratty without it with an underlying message of, Theres a problem with your request, DO SOMETHING. Give yourself time to think When you receive an offer, it's common to ask for at least one day and up to a week to consider the terms. Which option do you prefer? Do not leave your belongings at the front desk. If you feel the organization is still interested in my application, please let me know as soon as possible and we can discuss how best to move forward. Tried to get ebay and paypal details in order send an invoice to me. You can see something similar pretty often in discussions about works of fiction. No. The only person Ive known to use this constantly is one of my least favorite people. We use the yellow highlighter feature around here for emphasis, and it works very well. 3. w.onload = loader; Might depend on the person, but that doesnt sound like a power play. And if I had to contact them again regarding the same manner, I would just say follow up. This is my question. when i worked in a university advising office the front desk clerks would send out emails saying x people in queue please advise as a way to remind everyone they should be advising students or if it had suddenly gotten really busy. Every nasty email from our home office bookeeper ends with PLEASE ADVISE. I also hate that phrase, but I think its just because of that particular sender. . This is great advice! A recent fad in my workplace is kindly requesting things. How should I handle your request? That comes off as way more snarky/passive-agressive than please advise. (Probably including every time Ive written in.). usually its tasks related to a larger thing theyve agreed to. If I have one grievance to file about business email, it would be that I wish people wouldnt use words that they dont understand. Its never even occurred to me that someone would take issue with it. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. So please research and advise because a go to phrase that kept things short and they knew exactly what I meant. Example from today: Good morning SARA!! *other English-speaking nations have their own usage or slang, [dont know where the rest of that sentence went]. I also cant stand all caps in emails. It drives me batty. I dont see it as passive aggressive at all. I hope not many people feel like the OP about it! Otherwise, youd phrase it as a question or request, like, Id appreciate your input on this. In other contexts, obviously, the words are used more literally. If I was having the chocolate tea pot situation I would write, "Please let me know which option you prefer." I feel like more time is wasted when people try to save time on words and instead use "please advise". There is no cost to keep your TextRanch account, and we store all of your past revisions in a secure and private manner. Thanks! I am having a hard time with the fact that someone is having a hard time with the word please being used. He became legendary and it always lightened the tone of the email. The same thing happened at my old job as well! yes, but your reaction to it doesnt necessarily reflect the reality of it. Three reasons to sign up for our newsletter: More than 100,000 users already registered. I dont mind quickly emailing my boss and saying something like, Laura, did we receive the orders today? But overall, it feels too awkward and informal to not add something after the question, and I think some people who use Please advice are doing so for similar reasons. I admit that I use it a little more often when Im frustrated about something, but there are times when it really is the best possible phrase to use in my opinion. We had a parking procedure in place for a long time that the last person out the door at midnight parked in a specific spot where the security camera could see that person leave the building, walk to their car, and get in. Same here. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? As a non-native speaker, I always have second thoughts about my expressions. I hire people to know their jobs and make decisions. I use please advise sparingly, and only in the following two situations: (1) You have dropped the ball and its become my problem. This answer is: Hide . But if they are generally fine as coworkers, then youre better off not reading into how ever they phrase their emails. I might IM and say, Do you have time for a quick call? If the other person says, Yes, then I call THEM. Sorry that came across as rude. Yes the way it grates on me is when I get a message that says please advise, I take time to actually give a suggestion or remedy, and then either hear nothing or find out that they did whatever they wanted anyway without actually listening to my advice. This also leads to confusing subject lines. I use it most with people that are either above me or that I dont really know so Im erring on the side of reverential language. We talked about x but you did y, and Im really confused about how that happened. With furrowed brow and head tilt. (FWIW, I was hired for job X and ended up doing job Y much more time consuming, and punching well above my pay grade because the work is a PITA, and I didnt know any better. On can ask questions in an email and never get a reply, so I make sure they realize I expect a reply. Please let me know. Did you make a decision already? We have a process for removing yourself from a distribution list, and replying to all to an email sent to the distribution list isnt it. Im having a problem with this and Im not sure what to ask for but this is what we need. Ha, this post brings back memories. Not a fan. 3 months ago. Assuming this is really the only issue the OP has with her people shes their manager, she can tell them what to do. He sends documents to me to get rid of a blank page (when all it takes is a single backspace to get rid of it) and when he got a macbook I was constantly with him at 30 minutes at a time trying to teach him how to right click or minimize a window, how to locate a file he has saved, etc. If a client needs something, and a person in a cubicle at home office is holding up the matter, I have no problem using it succinctly, but nicely. Because of this, I loathe the phrase please advise and refuse to use it. ", Reliable, meticulous and astonishingly prompt. When I get one from someone who is difficult or needy, I definitely do a bitch eating crackers face at the email. 4. My newest habit is ending question-filled emails with Let me know and thanks. I almost always used please advise passive-aggressively with my boss but I never read it that way when others sent it to me so I dont know! Please let me know what to do.. In many workplaces, as several have mentioned, Please advise takes on other connotations. Emails were coming in all day long. Please let me know which date and time would suits you best is the most popular phrase on the web. It does seem a bit babyish, but I usually hear it used in an OMG I am so EXCITED about my upcoming fun event! way that is a bit more forgiving than if it was being used, say, to countdown to a work conference or something like that. Balls in your court. It almost never registers. } Seriously I dont get why this people have to dig through their archives to start a new topic instead of simply clicking New Message. Fastest Times Our team of editors is working for you 24/7. I guess I could take the time to type out Would you like me to continue doing this in the future? Please let us know your name. Please advise. There's no difference in meaning, but the former is a bit formal and the latter is more common and informal in everyday speech. Our admin has been sending these long, complicated emails. Ok, I know its old but Yeah, those are not please advise situations! Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. I dont throw please advise to everything. Go make a brand new email for your thing and stop derailing others. It seems ok to me, and I havent seen it on anyones Grrr list ever. where a I truly dont know what to do, please help me is completely warranted. They could respond to leave the rx as written, or change it to something else, or not understand what the problem is, or not understand why Im faxing (so I try to make my faxes very well organized and clear). Well, this post has made me accept that at any given time Im probably using an email line that makes the recipient want to punch me in the face. He ended the email with please advise. FWIW, the overuse of the word like is probably the most annoying Americanism. I am reflecting that the phrase I hate to be a pest, but can also come off as passive aggressive. But not only would I be ok implying that Im telling my boss what to do, but I do that regularly. I had a calculus teacher who said a combination of the words so um ok yeah every few sentences. When I have a good relationship with someone and see please advise, I think nothing of it. But I dont think Ive ever used it on top of an already asked question rather, it IS the question. Ask what you mean to ask. I have people in India who do this a lot too, but I grit my teeth and move on. It was at that point I realised, it is not my explaining that is the problem here. Didnt know this was such a well known meaning! var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; Every time I get an email that ends with please advise I want to send one back that says I advise you to stop ending your emails with please advise! That is the most annoying phrase ever! ), and for some reason it hits a wrong button with me when she says it. ?I suppose please advise is better than that or whatever expletives I might be thinking. Its the reminders that I *still* cant seem to figure out and loathe doing. More than 150,000 people like you receive our weekly newsletter to master their English skills! Some of this is probably just cultural (meaning office culture, not overall culture). Some physicians can get a bit touchy about being questioned by a pharmacist, so I use please advise because it can help sooth feelings and imply that they are still in charge. Every once in a while you might still get an erroneous email from one of the approved senders, but then idiots in the batch of 1000 people who got the original email cant hit reply all with a snarky or pointless reply. (Hope this helps really means - now leave me alone [or something like that].) . (And we have a couple of offices in India we communicate with, so it comes up a lot.). Some people are more formal than others. if you want. RELATED ( 3 ) let me know your favourite. So now it causes a twitch when others use it, but I know its all on me. I frequently use that phrase. its the abrupt Please advise. end of statement that grates on me. I wanted her to speak to the newbie staff members and ask them not to park in that spot. She would ask why I hadnt responded or done X yet, and I would say that I didnt know that I needed to. She could have wrote let me know if you have any questions and I wouldnt have been offended at all. Me too. 3 likes. Thats probably my own bias, though. Its the opposite of passive aggressive its direct. My peeve is no subject line Our HR generalist pretty much NEVER uses one in her all-employee emails, and often her emails are just a pdf with no explanation of their content (usually a flyer of some event) so I have to download it to see if its anything at all relevant to me. It always translated as here is something that did not get done according to someone else, it was on your plate, please advise me on why you did not do it. I invariably had to respond with here is what I did last month, this is when I sent the information, this is when I tried to contact that person and got no response, gosh its oily under this bus. (okay, the last bit was merely implied). assigning women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER, and more. Even when theyre like, Yes, thats always how Ive used it. Sentence examples similar to let me know your preference from inspiring English sources. LOL I read it as some character from a Disney movie about to break into song. Please let us know if gets his speech back. s.src = "https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; Although if I usually stop by to ask a question I always open with, Hi do you have a minute? so they can tell me if its not a great time to drop by and maybe come back five minutes later. You could use for your client, but I don't feel it's needed for your in-company superior (unless you're in a big company and sending to executives). Its formal, but thats not the same as passive-aggressive. Id never used the phrase please advise at the end of an e-mail until Current Job. I said yes, we do have a parking procedure. I know all these options, however, the person I was emailing also knows all these options and knows which would be the best combination of cost effectiveness and timeliness. Therefore, if I want to call someone, I ping them on IM first and then ask if its a convenient time to call. I mean sure, I could email her and ask what number she can be reached at- but if shes not at her desk chances are she cant take the call right then anyway. At least in my office culture/professional experience, Ive always seen please advise useddeferentially, I guess? I guess they could say, Can I help the person who is next? But that, while grammatical, still sounds odd. I think this blog needs a new topic category called over thinking it. I thought, Maybe Im wrong? w.addEventListener("load", loader, false); Please let me know which option you prefer 6,500 results on the web Some examples from the web: So will you please let me know . Its funny, because to me, Please advise means exactly the same thing as Id appreciate your input on this. It really is a Know Your Office thing, I guess. Sometimes Ive had people reply with Do I need to know more? or Is there more? and then we can have a conversation about that, rather than me give them a long monologue without checking in with them first to make sure they want to know more. The recipient is dealing with a quality crisis related to last months collector teapot and all other work has been postponed until early next week. Im a little behind. I wonder what would happen if you just said no to Can I ask you a question for a few days. A complete search of the internet has found these results: Please let me know which one you preferis the most popular phrase on the web. If you are the disadvantaged party, this is what can we do to make you happy? If youre not, this is what are you going to do for me?. Request you to note the dates and let us know the way forward. Simple, straightforward, and to the point. I dont like What do you think? because Im not asking for thoughts or ideas, Im looking for explicit instructions on what to do next. I wish I could find out about Textranch earlier. I almost never use it but I did a couple of weeks ago, because Hello? I had to Google it the first time someone said it to me, because I wasnt sure if it was supposed to be vaguely insulting or extremely polite. Boss: We need to have Horatio sign it. Lowest prices Up to 50% lower than other online editing sites. I work with people in India a lot and they do say Please do the needful which is quirky English but not offensive or particularly grating to me. You'll get most of the similar nice options and perks as you'd find on She said because it didnt have a question A message that was truly friendly wouldnt need to be softened, so when you get a heads up that should be a non-issue but its been thoroughly bubble wrapped it can come across that the sender is making a big deal about it and that has frustrating implications. I think please advise is okay when youre asking a question going up the ladder, but coming from a manager to a subordinate it does usually come off as, please advise WTF you were thinking when you did this., Yeah, since someone above you is unlikely to actually want anything that could be called advice from you haha. I actually had a conversation with my boss about this last week. Im good at sussing this out now, but for the first year I was in this role, I found it really challenging. If you're on the conservative side, you may want to just take my word for it. I think this might be part of why I dont have a problem with it. You might consider using "would be" instead of "is", as well, since the conditional is often more polite than the declarative. Its sort of a crowd control thing. Qualified Editors Native English experts for UK or US English. We're pretty excited about this feature, so please let us know how it works for you. Apparently its a standard phrase in Indian English (and not at all meant to be insulting), and Ive seen it in emails between Indian coworkers a few times now. Use plain language. So I dont always like assuming there are a limited number of solutions. I think theres probably something to this. If I have to remind you again, it wont be so friendly. So you took the time so send an email to tell me to call you and thats easier than just picking up the phone and calling me yourself? And, since it apparently means please do what it takes to fulfill my request, I have a feeling that, even if it translated well into English, itd still drive people up the wall. Consider following us @archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular basis. Please alert me when Keep me in the loop The preferred version is "please keep me up to date." It's still a strong, polite phrase because we start with "please." However, it's also more professional than "let me know" because it asks to be kept "up to date" about whatever matters are currently going on. Thanks, I dont usually go for five opening questions before my real question, especially in instant messaging. Im getting more used to the smaller zone as the years go on, but its still maddening. I dont see anything wrong withplease advise. I reserve it for instances in which Im not explicitly asking a question and want to signal that I need a response/guidance. Bobby: Jane and I spoke, and we had a question about X. FYI, I copied Sue into the conversation as shes working on Y so I wanted to keep her looped in. On the other hand, if you want a laugh (and you don't mind a bit of obscene language), read ScaryDuck's post: A bit of email etiquette. Please advise.. ", Human understanding of the context. It's the best online service that I have ever used! Its not passive aggressive. Optimizing Autophagy: Could It Be the Secret . I mean, intellectually, I agree with everyone whos said youre overthinking this. But I cant STOP overthinking it and want to know why Im overthinking it to begin with. In that case the please advise makes no sense because hes already asking you a question that you can answer. As a formal alternative, you can try using "kindly inform me if you disagree." "Please tell me if not" works well as a more informal option. I learned of the phrase after listening to some fiction audiobooks set in India. Neutral phrases "Yes, Thursday is fine." (also with friends and colleagues) "Thursday suits me." "Thursday would be perfect." Informal phrases Yes, Thursday's great for me. Go on, but your reaction to it doesnt necessarily reflect the reality of it I had contact... Takes on other connotations seriously I dont always like assuming there are a limited number of solutions a... Used it on top of an e-mail until Current job yet subduednot a bad option honestly! On me knew exactly what I meant you did y, and more need a vacation... Good relationship with someone and see please advise is better than that or whatever expletives might! For you a brand new email for your thing and stop derailing.! About TextRanch earlier seem to figure out and loathe doing this helps really means - now leave me [... Dont have a problem with this and Im not asking for thoughts or ideas, Im looking for explicit on. 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