It is believed by old Jewish traditions the children of Adam and Eve numbered 56. Based on this the only logical ideology is that Adam and Eve did not have only two sons, but plenty of sons and daughters who married each other in order to reproduce. 2 Samuel 11:7 chapter context similar meaning . The Bible tells us that God created the first man named Adam and from one of Adams ribs he created the woman named Eve. If these two pairs of siblings were supposed to populate the world, wouldnt the issue have been obvious pretty quickly? In this case, he asked Cain, Where is your brother? Cain responded, I dont know am I my brothers guardian? (Genesis 4:9). Local: 320-968-4092, Bible Creation Lessons | Creation Vs. Evolution Debate | Creation Science. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? The first was Cain, then Abel, and then Seth. The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (viaSacred Texts) says that when Seth was 9, Satan came and tempted him, but the boy wasnt swayed and went home and told his parents. Find out more about his work here. Some scholars believe that the length of the life spans of the people of this time was due to a vapor canopy in the atmosphere. They were the two most important, worthy of mention. Since Luluwa and Aklia arent mentioned in the official Bible or the Torah, most people havent heard of them. But many. vegetable, which is wholly or partially. Lets look at the untold truth of Adam and Eves daughters. My answer: If all humanity is descended from one man and one woman, as the Bible claims, then one of Adam and Eve's sons had to have married one of Adam and Eve's daughters. Hendrickson Publishers [First AD 93, this ed.1804] Book 1, Chapter 2, verse 3 footnote. From just these verses you could argue that Adam and Eve only had one son, but we know that is not true. According toGenesis 5:4, After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Thats right, while the official version of the Bible doesnt mention Luluwa or Aklia, it does say that Adam went on to have daughters (assumedly with Eve, although thats not mentioned). So if there were two, there could be more unknown kids, right? The Bible doesn't say where Adam and Eve's first two sons Cain and Abel got their wives, although it does tell us that Cain and his wife had at least one child (Enoch). For whatever reason, the law against incest doesnt seem to have been in effect (at least not as strictly) before God made the covenant with the Israelites at Mount Sinai. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. The Bible tells us that after Cain killed Abel, he was banished to wander in the land of Nod. Fortunately, Satan had just the solution for him: Now, therefore, I counsel thee, when they do that, to kill thy brother; then thy sister will be left for thee; and his sister will be cast away. All Cain had to do was eliminate the only other male competition on the planet, and hed get to choose his hot sister as his wife. This same passage also tells us that Adam lived for 930 years [Genesis 5:5]. Answer (1 of 30): The number of sons an daughters Adam and Eve had is not specifically defined in the Holy Scriptures. ESV The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters. The fact that Cain had a wife ( Genesis 4:17) is a further evidence that Adam and Eve had other children after Cain and Abel, but before . In Genesis 6:3, God decrees that humans will only live to be 120 years old, and other than a few patriarchs this holds true throughout the rest of the Bible. Proud member When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. Who were their children's mothers. Now, you would say that incest goes against the Bible and Christianity as a whole, which it does, but at that time the Bible says that these souls, as the first ones to be given life were excused as there was no other way to reproduce. As Christ is the express image of His Father (Hebrews 1:3), so the Christian is to grow unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Thank you for your cooperation.You can sign-up to the Membership any time to remove the adds and enjoy the content with no interruptions, by Andrei Tapalaga | Sep 9, 2022 | Religion. Thus, Cain (1) + Abel (1) + Seth (1) + other sons (2+) and daughters (2+) would equal at least seven children. Scientists believe our ancestral homeland is south of the Zambezi River in the countrys north. So, again, is there any indication from tradition or historical writings regarding how many sons and daughters Adam and Eve had altogether? The Bible does not give us a specific number. NIV After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. And since there was still a whole planet to populate, it got worse for Luluwa: His sister bore him children, who in their turn began to multiply by degrees until they filled that place.. This is when Adam decided his prepubescent son needed a wife to keep him in line and make sure if Satan tempted Seth again, he would continue to hold strong. We are all the descendants of Adam and Eve but let us strive to be more than just physical descendants of the first couple. Wait daughters? Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? But if Cain had a sister or sisters, then he had options. Living over 900 years means living ten times longer than we do today. Genesis 4:25 states that they had another son named Seth. An interesting note from the end of the chapter on Abel and Aklias birth is that it reports After the birth of these, Eve ceased from childbearing, at least until after Abels murder, when she gives birth to Seth as a kind of replacement. ( Genesis 3:15) What a promise! It starts by saying this is a written account of the descendants of Adam, then says, When Adam was 130 years old, he became the father of a son who was just like him He named his son Seth(5:3). Dr. Cavallo-Sforza believes these Y chromosome lineages may be associated with the most major language groups of the world. But waityou can't marry your relation, can you? This would fit the shift we see in Genesis from early generations with long lives producing children past their 100s to humans with shorter lives and shorter fertility rates. 33 According to Christian mythology, Adam and Eve were the first people created. Genesis 5:4. So, God cursed Cain for killing his innocent brother (Genesis 4:11,12). Abel followed the Lord God and Cain followed his own evil heart. And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all (Colossians 3:10-11). WhenCain finds out its true he has to marry Aklia, he curses his mom. Later, Cain married and begat his own nation (see Where did Cains wife come from?). NASB Then the days of Adam after he fathered Seth were eight hundred years, and he fathered other sons and daughters. Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, I have acquired a man from the Lord. Then, she bore again, this time his brother Abel (Genesis 4:1-2). I am the Lord. He then lists 11 different variations of incest and why each one specifically is unacceptable. This post is also available in: According to Genesis 5:4, "After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.". Bible Based.We believe in solo-scriptura. Does the Bible approve of woman ordination. Incest in the Bible refers to sexual relations between certain close kinship relationships which are prohibited by the Hebrew Bible. And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Original publishers: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, UK. Genesis 6. We will discuss everything in detail. Eventually their differences lead Cain to kill Abel (Genesis 4:8). The Controversial Theory That Suggests Jesus Didn't Even Exist, The Untold Truth Of Arlington's Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, The US Government's Secret Plan To Control The Media Explained, Disturbing Details Found In The Bodies Of The Toolbox Killer's Victims, The Truth About The Peaceful Saddam Hussein Heist, How History Classes Lie About Great Britain And The American Revolution, The History Of The Olympic Anthem Explained, Here's What Happens To The Bowling Ball After You Hit A Strike, Jesus ever heard of him? At some point, Cain and Abel both gave offerings to God from their produce. What does the word sacrifice mean in Hebrew? He just suddenly has one, even though to that point the only people in the whole world, as far as the reader knows, are Adam, Eve, and Cain (Abel having been murdered). While the movements of the family and the timing and meaning behind offerings to God in honor of their first twins are highly detailed, the second twins get a single sentence on these topics. These prohibitions are found predominantly in Leviticus 18:718 and 20:1121, but also in Deuteronomy. Cain gave crops from his harvest, while Abel gave sections of firstborn lambs. The split between the two main branches in the European tree suggests that the modern humans reached Europe 39,000 to 51,000 years ago, Dr. Wallace calculates, a time that corresponds with the archaeological date of at least 35,000 years ago. Cain is a Biblical figure in the Book of Genesis within Abrahamic religions. Like, over 400 years. 2023 Creation Moments All rights reserved. How was the Earth divided in the Days of Peleg? Jewish tradition suggests that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters. We go from Adam and Eve, who were still having children when they were over 100 years old (Seth was born when Adam was 130), to Abraham and Sarah who were past child-bearing age when Sarah was 90 and Abraham 100 years old (Genesis 17:17, 18:12). The answer, is yes! Assuming that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, and there noPre-Adamic beings that humans mated with, it would seem that Cain and Seth Eve must have married women descended from Adam and Eve. In Asia, there is a very ancestral lineage known as M, with the descendant branches E, F, and G, as well as the A through the D lineages, also found in the Americas. Abraham was married to his half-sister . The text does give us Seths thoughts on the matchmaking, though: Seth, however, did not wish to marry; but in obedience to his father and mother, he said not a word. No word on if that was because he also didnt think Aklia was hot enough. Michael Smullen Glasgow December 12, 2018. Reply. For some reason, it seems that the story told within the Bible used to be more explicit and was somehow changed throughout history, which would be the reason for the gaps between the chapters. The South Caspian population, for example, may have the spoken Eurasian, the ancestral, In 1998, Dr. Wallace and his colleagues discovered the X pattern, a very rare European lineage among the northern Native Americans such as the Sioux and Ojibwa. But one of the things its clear about very early on is that incest is a no-no. In essence, Cains response was self-centered. Why do you look so dejected? Their sons likely married their sisters because that would have been the only way to populate the earth. But is this really a credible number? Despite this, the phrase Cain and Abel is known throughout our culture, and we all have a fairly good idea of what it means. Eves second child, Abel, was born seven years later between the years 71-77 anno mundi [p.51]. Its worth noting that the Bible says Cain gave some of his crops, without describing the quality of the offering (Genesis 4:3). Cain and Able were the first two children mentioned, but that does not mean they were the only two. Well,Answers in Genesis says thatCain and Luluwa didnt break Gods commandment because He hadnt made it yet. According to the Jewish historian, Josephus, Adam had 33 sons and 23 daughters (Antiq. Clearly, people wanted to know about these women. Research tells us when Cain was born and Eve also gave birth to Cains sister called Luluwa. This genealogy doesnt record every single descendant of Adam, only select ones. 2021 Creation Moments. (This is where The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan goes against something the Bible says directly, rather than just embellishing information, since it states Adam and Eve only had five kids, and that Seth was the last.). Another population that seems almost equally old is that of the Biaka pygmies of Central Africa. Very nice. This was possible, in part, because Adam lived to be 930 years old. That Eve's normal gestational period was 9 months and had twins no more than average (1 in 86). Abel's name in Hebrew means, "breath or vapor" perhaps indicative that his life was short-lived. References: Charles, Robert Henry [translator]. With Abel dead and Cain banished, this left no more brothers for Aklia to marry. Adam's sons apparently found wives among his daughters. After all, it was Gods commission to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). This seems like a lot of pressure to put on a wife, making sure her husband doesnt give in to Satan, but sure. The Bible mentions Adam and Eve having Seth after a section about Cain's descendants . However, prior to this law being given in Leviticus, there are various instances of men marrying their sisters or other relatives. That's right, while the official version of the Bible doesn't mention Luluwa or Aklia, it does say that Adam went on to have daughters (assumedly with Eve, although that's not mentioned). Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? She married Abel, pre-him being killed. Kneeling before a pink altar, Cain and Abel offer the fruits of their labor in sacrifice to God: a sheaf of wheat from Cain and a lamb from Abel. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? That would be disgusting. But Genesis 5:4 is very clear, "After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters." As The Bible Answer explains, the plural on both those words indicated there would have been at least two more children of each sex, bringing the minimum number of kids they had to seven. The Authors intention is seemingly to present the grand picture first and then add certain details throughout the rest of Scripture; this is called Progressive Revelation. However, this misses a couple of things. So after the twins Cain and Luluwa finished breastfeeding, The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (viaSacred Texts) says that Eve again conceived, and when her days were accomplished she brought forth another son and daughter; and they named the son Abel, and the daughter Aklia.. So when Satan appeared and told him his younger brother, who he disliked so much, was going to get to marry the sister who was, by process of elimination, the hottest woman on Earth at the time, it sent Cain over the edge. Genesis 4:1ESV / 53 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful Adamson was Adam and Eve's firstborn. Adam And Eve Had 33 Sons And 23 Daughters? Genesis 3:20 chapter context similar meaning copy save. And indeed, if you are only using the Bible or Torah as your source, there isnt that much detail youre missing out on, especially once Adam and Eve are out in the real world and raising their sons. Even after he killed Abel, his rebellious attitude continued, as seen in his scoffing response, Am I my brothers guardian? (Genesis 4:9). God accepted Abels offering but did not approve of what Cain brought. He was a farmer who gave an offering of his crops to God. ), With a whole world to populate, Adam and Eve couldnt stop at just two children. It gives us the facts we need and leaves us with reminders that whatever strange things people in the Bible did, God knew what he was doing and worked something good from it down the line. The story of their lives takes up one chapter, with a few genealogical deals added in the next one. But everyone else pre-flood lived longer. Eve bore sixty-three children, thirty-two daughters, and thirty-one sons, before the default. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? God then tells Cain that it is up to him what happens. You will be accepted if you do what is right, then watch out! Lets take a closer look at what the Bible actually says about these two men and their lesser-known siblings. Adam only had one wife (Eve), which is an argument based strictly on a lack of evidence. While we do not know the exact number of children Adam and Eve had, it is important to note that their son Seth was born in his own likeness, and after his image (Genesis 5:3). Genesis 5:4-5 states that Adam fathered "sons and daughters" before his death, aged 930 years. In practice, mitochondria DNA has steadily, In Asia, there is a very ancestral lineage known as M, with the descendant branches E, F, and G, as well as the A through the D lineages, also found in the Americas. There he met his wife and got married and had a child. One of the things the official Bible does a terrible job of explaining is where Cains wife comes from. But if he married Abels twin, Aklia, thats fine? Cain offered fruit and grain, and Abel offered fresh meat from his flock. Other side effects of an incestuous relationship include an increased risk of infertility, miscarriage, cleft palates, heart conditions, facial asymmetry, low birth weight, slow growth rate and neonatal mortality. This idea is disturbing and goes against the laws forbidding incest in Leviticus 18. What is the significance of Eve being created as a "helper fit for [Adam]? At the same time, there are some statements that describe Cain simply meeting his wife, without having a more descriptive mention of Cains wife or her origin as a matter of fact. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In 800 years, you can have a lot of kids. The South Caspian population, for example, may have the spoken Eurasian, the ancestral tongue of the Indo-European, and most of the continents other very primary language families. God created Adam and Eve to be fruitful upon this earth. After the world was formed, God finished His work of creation by raising one man from the dust and one woman from the man's ribs. Chapter five from Genesis represents the genealogical tree of Adam, where we are only told the name of the father and how many years he had lived. Long Life Spans Furthermore, Genesis 5 records long life spans of the descendants of Adam. Dr. Joseph Greenberg, a linguist at Stanford University, has also proposed three migrations corresponding to the three language groups of the Americans, which are known as Amerind, Na-Dene, and Eskimi-Aleut. 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. Chat us for guest posts and personalized ads. There, we know that Adam and Eve had at least three sons and one daughter. In each instance, the record simply gives the name of the first son, then adds and begot sons and daughters. With these words, the minimum number of children per family then becomes five. The repetition of the figure of God in the arc of heaven above allows the artist to show that God was pleased with Abels sacrifice and dissatisfied with Cains. Like, lots more. Science has proven that incest, especially between close relatives - let alone actual twins - is more likely to lead to serious genetic abnormalities in their offspring. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? 4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: Read full chapter. Such marriages in the beginning were not harmful. We have detected that you are using extensions to block ads. 2022 History of Yesterday | All Rights Reserved. Bible How many children did Adam and Eve have? Why suppress something no one was aware of? He was followed by his sister and Eveson, the second son of Adam and Eve. When Adam and Eve left the Garden, their family consisted of four generations numbering 1,647 pure-line descendants. Seth was considered to be in place of Abel, and it is said that after Seth, Adam and Eve had other sons (plural) and daughters (plural). God rebuked Cain for his actions and told him that from this point he would be a homeless wanderer on the earth (Genesis 4:12). Where did that woman come from? 2 Male and female he created them, and 3 Adam became the father of . The Bible describes him as being created in the image of Gd, and his wisdom is said to have surpassed that of the Heavenly angels.2 To create Adam, Gd moistened the earth with mist, formed a body from the dust, and breathed life into the figure. If we scale todays fertility to the antediluvian time, it would be about 350 years. First, Cain said after God cursed him that he feared, anyone who finds me will kill me! If there were no other children of Adam and Eve around at this point, who could Cain be talking about? Youre probably thinking, Oh gross, Cain married his sister! He is stated as the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron. In Genesis 5:4, a statement sums up the life of Adam and Eve"And the days of Adam after he had fathered Seth were eight hundred years. How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? In principle, all people should have the same string of DNA letters in their mitochondria. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. While the Bible doesnt mention where Cains wife came from, the apocryphal additions to the story do make sense, even if they kind of have to jump through hoops to make everything fit. It's hard to believe that the nation's third, In Numbers 21:4-9 in the Bible, as recounted on The Torah website, Moses crafts a bronze serpent, In the tiny country of Macedonia, he became known as the "Kicevo Monster," named after the town in, Once a unique kind of star, "circus performer" is now largely a job title of the past minus a, Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan were two of the best basketball players of their time and still, Ah, yes, Rob Gronkowski. He's kind of a big deal. 56 children is also quite logical, considering Adam's lifespan of 930 years. We need to realize that in the time of 800 years of life they had time to make children, especially knowing that they didnt have other tasks that would be more important than reproducing. In Genesis 4:16-17 it says that Cain left Eden and went towards the east to live. About UsContact UsPrayer RequestsPrivacy Policy, Latest AnswersBible LessonsBibleAsk LIVEOnline Bible. A thought would be that whoever wrote the texts was trying to hide the fact that the reproduction of humanity took part by incest which would bring shame, but at the same time people should understand that this was the only way for humanity to reproduce. Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. It has been conservatively estimated that 32,000 people could have been alive at that time this event occurred. The story of Adam and Eve's children Cain and Abel doesn't take up much room in the Bible. were twins, as it is said, And she conceived and bore Cain (Gen 4:1). Why precisely God didnt approve of Cains offering is hard to say. So is this just another Biblical contradiction? He lived for himself and got only himself in return. This was possible, in part, because Adam lived to be 930 years old. Accordingly, in their time, they werent doing anything wrong. At first, they assumed it came from the intermarriage with the very, In this article, we have discussed whether it is true that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters. ", How do Theistic Evolutionists reconcile that Eve was called the "the mother of all living?". That is the first and last time she is mentioned, after being conjured seemingly out of thin air, and not even given a name. Then Adam and Eve decided that their sons needed wives, and how to pair them off. Copyright 2020 - 2022 Webnews21 (GMW). If that is the case, then how did they manage to keep reproducing?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'historyofyesterday_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-medrectangle-3-0'); There are many different entries within the Bible that argue against the first statement, saying that Adam and Eve had more children than just Cain and Abel. Still, the B lineage, though it has been found somewhere in Asia, has not ever turned up in Siberia, a hint that the B people may have taken a sea route to the Americans and they merged there with their A-, C- and D- carrying the cousins. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It was a boy all on his own this time and they named him Seth. Dr. Wallace said we are also looking at the beginning of what we would call the Homo sapiens. Sons were/are greatly . So their children were living alone in the world. If they had no daughters, then humanity would have gone extinct. Incest is dangerous because inherited mutant genes that produce deformed, sickly, or . CSB Adam lived 800 years after he . So, all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died (Genesis 5:4,5). 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