When it's time to fight, Josie has to rely on her darker half. Set up at the Old Mill, she and Cleo begin running various tests on whom they previously believed to be Landon. She does not believe that Landon should continue to train to be a "hero", and finds it questionable when he believes he can fly. He tells her the baby is doomed anyway with a father like Klaus. Rebekah left New Orleans with Hope and became her guardian; she often told Hope stories of her birth and how her parents sent her away to be safe. In the mean time Hayley and Elijah questions Genevieve. Lizzie notices the remnants of a note or message. Malivore sends the dybbuk to Movie in the Square and reveals that the only way to kill it is to kill the host. Hope believes that is not what makes a leader. She brutally attacks Alaric to send a message to her friends not to come after her. I'm not scared. Despite this, a messenger with notice from town hall reveals the school is still in jeopardy and owes an enormous amount of money over a property tax lien. Regardless, Hope threatens to break every one of his bones and makes her way towards him. She wears primarily black or deep reds in the form of jumpers, boots, or jackets. Likewise, she apologizes for sending him on a fool's errand, but wonders if he's had any luck. Alaric agrees that he could have been more honest with them, but understands why he wasn't. Ken demands to know what she's deemed him guilty of, but she retorts for being a dick. As a side effect, they share a hallucination based on a story that Lizzie wrote when she was young, as well as a sequel she continued. In The Kindness of Strangers, while not appearing in the present, she is seen in flashbacks and photos. In What, Will, I, Have, Left, she and Roman are on the road acting goofy and talking. She tells Landon she has to get to class but asks him what he thinks it was that he saw at the church, she is surprised he got "werewolves" figured out quickly. Attempting to leave to find something sharp, she's blocked by another barrier spell. I'm a Mikaelson witch.Hope in High Water and a Devil's Daughter. Hope manages to draw the shunka away by turning into a werewolf which confuses Landon long enough for Landon to find Rafael. They face the gargoyle in the hall, Hope and Josie destroy the monster. Billy Gardell Weight Loss Diet, Workout. She wants him to pick a good one since she's about to duel a god. Cleo removes the ring and another star bursts into flames. He later states that his child is all that matters to him now. She explains that he sent her in his place, though Hope retorts about him having no honor. The meal and spell was a stall. Since she's practically an expert on mental prisons by now, she gives her a hint. In You Will Remember Me, Hope eventually finds the Triad Witch, lounging at her estate with a black candle in hand. Hope and Lizzie spend the rest of the day talking about Hope and why she didn't reveal herself to everyone when she returned from Malivore. Lizzie barges into her room determined to commence with operation 'Rescue Hope from Herself'. In Keepers of the House, Klaus stays with Hope taking care of her while Hayley goes to New Orleans to find the source of Hope's sickness. However, her parents are stopped in their tracks when they spot Hope walking. Aurora attempts to goad her into helping her friends, but Hope ignores her. She thanks him and he tells her he has one last confession. Lizzie is skeptical that Landon is alive, but she assured her father that she would be Hope's supernatural fact checker. MG wants to know why this is their problem, and Hope questions his presence. She tells him she's going to fix it and while crying, she tells him she loves him too, watching him leave. Hope covers her wound, taking some of the poison and fashions them into three needle-like weapons. Clarke tells Hope that the vortex will destroy her and begs her to break the mimic spell so that he can help her, to which she obliges. Hope meets with the remaining squad members. Hope questions how many they've lost, but surprisingly, they've lost none. Why Hope Mikaelson From Legacies Looks So Familiar. She faked Hayley's kidnapping to lure Klaus back into New Orleans. Hope questions whether or not she should have this conversation with MG, but he hasn't come around. On that short-lived series, Russell joined an all-star cast that included Matt Bomer (The Sinner), Kelsey Grammer (Frasier), and Lily Collins (Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile). In The Big Uneasy, Klaus tells Elijah that, while he feels Hayley and the baby will be better protected in The Bayou with the Crescent wolves, he will bring Hayley back before she goes into labor. After having the Hollow's spirit separated into four members of her family, she and Hayley leave for Mystic Falls. Hope lived with Hayley for five years wile they searched for a way to cure their family from Marcel's venom. Hope doesn't but Rebekah questions why she remains. Believing herself to be dead, she questions what Clarke is doing in her Peace, but Clarke laughs, admitting that they are not at peace, nor are they in Hell, but inside Malivore. He explains that she's basically the perfect fighter. He has nothing more to say, except that he's sorry, and leaves the Grand Hall, leaving Hope, as well as all the others in attendance, shocked. Leaving Hope distraught and finally opening up about her uncertainly of Klaus finding peace and expressing survivor guilt about his death. She's the most dangerous piece. Despite their many differences, they slowly grew closer, especially after Hope returned from Malivore, as only Lizzie remembered who she was. Kaleb, Lizzie, and Hope rush Ryan back to the hospital to recovers. Outside the bar in the alleyway, Hope retches the large amounts of alcohol and blood. She thinks the whole act is stupid since Hope's just being a bully. She has a letter that he left behind. Hope also gets closure with her father thanks to a gift from Landon, allowing her to finally reach a sense of inner-peace. When Freya notices the ancient spells on the floor, Hope tells her it's to catch up. Though Hope is happy the sarcophagus is destroyed, Aurora and the gods are still present. Hope sees through her charade and demands to know what's going on. Josie and Hope both refuse, however. He admits he doesn't. She's only getting started and demands to know where he sent Landon. He accepts, but decides why wait when she's here, now. Kaleb wonders what they can do next, but Alaric tells them there's nothing they can do, yet, unless the wolves can pick up a scent and they have to wait. Lizzie won't do it, though Hope uses the sire bond to force her to do just that, handing her a broken chair leg as a stake. Hope admits that her showing up with the hint was just the help she needed. Hope remarks that Nature really doesn't waste any time, unlike her. She also begins to wear more rings, hooped earrings, and less necklaces, having given her Mikaelson necklace to Rebekah. Annoyed by his mother's questions about why he still scorns her Klaus ends up spinning her against walls in Elijah's cell and tells her that he only feels a pure and intense hatred about her as she came after his child, his daughter, his and also her blood. Their conversation is cut short by another creature, the Vitruvian Man. With Alaric's supervision, Hope takes the banshee's necklace and casts the Alias Vocem spell on Jed. Cleo finds them outside and extends a hand to Hope, but she doesn't accept it and walks off back to the school. The Red Oak tree, when sharpened to a stake, is powerful enough to kill Hope. During the party, Hope stands in front of Alaric and the students, including MG, Lizzie, Finch, and Jed preparing a speech. If he can prove to her that her family is where they're going, then she can part with it. Lizzie stops her and siphons off her wounds, allowing her to heal. Klaus and Elijah try to find them, but they had cast a spell that creates the illusion of a maze. They will all die. She attacks the creature while in her wolf form. He takes the Hollow from her and, after spending precious moments together where she promises to make the Mikaelson name proud and be okay, Klaus gives her a kiss. MG and Alaric listen from outside the Great Hall as Hope continues to seek an answer from them. I waited for you for years! After Landon leaves the school, Alaric tells Hope that Landon took the knife and that they need to look for him. Regardless, she doesn't know why she was the one that got to bring her back, but she's happy she did. They've come a long way from milkshakes in the square. In Screw Endgame, Lizzie walks to the Town Square, where she finds Hope stretching, and reveals that she remembers her following the blast of magic from Josie. She is interrupted by Lizzie, however, who tells her that her life is in danger. Alaric prepares to go after Ryan, but Hope refuses to kill him. The resulting blast sends them flying through the air and Landon appears. He tells her that happiness is an emotion, so that's a tricky one to answer. Hope quips about the dragon's soft spot, but falls to the ground, nearly unconscious. In Chasing the Devil's Tail, Ansel explained to Klaus that he knew that his child is alive - as he can feel the call of his blood as the wolf. Someone is in the shower. When Landon walks off, Josie sarcastically makes a remark about having another milkshake moment, but Hope ignores her. Hope trains with Alaric, instructing him to keep his weight back because he can't pivot like he used to. Hope and Landon are sent to Mystic Falls High School to retrieve the artifact from Dorian. Agatha calls her an affront to Nature herself as she is a tribrid. Aurora explains that it was forged with god magic which renders her witchcraft useless. Alaric and Ryan immediately realize they've failed again, adding to the other ten failed simulations. The barrier spell she placed around shouldn't have worked on him, considering he's supposed to be human and it only works on supernatural creatures. Entering the light, they find Cleo and two of her sisters, who are shocked to see them. Despite Hope's insistence that she never meant to hurt Josie, they remained distant. They both know she has to end it. She collapses to the ground, and believes that MG lied to her. There's also Ethan, but Lizzie doesn't think she's ready for that. Humanity Hope is just the tiny voice in her head, telling her what she already knows, but she will grow louder if she doesn't listen. In kind, he tells the Ferryman to let him talk to her. Hope is then left to the care of her uncle Elijah. It means that he's not able to bring him to her, but he got to thinking. Landon brings Hope to the warehouse, knife in hand. Alaric steps in and tranquilizes her, much to Malivore's enjoyment of the show, now keyed into the workings of a plan. Klaus smiles at her. However, the Necromancer wants to tear them apart by his hand. Dorian leaves, but believes that Hope is right. This is a hostage situation because Malivore still has Landon, Cleo, and Ethan. And use him as bait. In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Hope is seen wondering cluelessly around Malivore having been consumed previously. Despite that her humanity's off, she's not a monster and questions if he really wants her to respond to Pedro. Later Hayley is sitting in her room in the compound when Klaus walks in. As Lizzie listens, she hears Luna crying and goes to find her. When he walks into the church the coffin is closed. She's not alone and the five of them face off against Ken. Hope assumes the weapon is the real Tunde blade. Hope is amazed and wonders how he's doing this, but all he tells her is that the screen is not a spoon. Josie mistakes Hope comment for a threat against them and the school, but she clarifies that she's talking about the Triad. With no other choice, she confronts Malivore. Following the advice, she goes to see Rafael, who is asking for help on Lizzie's birthday party. my tribrid baby is back and i needed to do this also i missed matching my wife @lizzie-saltzman. If she can get her talking, then she'll figure out why she's still here. Alaric questions who she is and she reveals that she is a vampire hunter and Alaric remarks that he is well known within the hunter community. He explains that it uses algorithmic magic to calculate probabilities. Hope continues to attack, drawing his fire, distracting him. She thanks Cleo. Nature itself signals the birth of the tribrid, the sky turning blood red, thunder and red lightning striking through the sky. Hope Daniella Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former majorly recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Realizing he has some troublemakers, he calls out to his vampires to remove them, but none answer his call. In her vampire form, Hope maintains her golden yellow eyes but with an addition of vivid red at the inner corner on her irises. She tells him if her family passes by for him to tell them to not to wait for her. She explains that if she kills Malivore, everything inside him dies too. In this situation, if he's running from Malivore, she has the leverage. Wade questions about the potential death should they help her, but Hope reiterates that some would die, or it could be all of them. Hope tells her that she is strong enough, but Freya reminds her that being feared and being strong are two different things. When he tries to talk to her, she starts magically bending a fork and quickly walks out. For the first time in a long time, she believes she will. Lizzie wants to know what she must do to get this over with and Hope gives her a final test. Anti Hope Mikaelson I thought it couldn't get worse than Freya seeing as her martyr complex is even worse than Elijah. He reassures her that Landon, too, is willing to sacrifice everything just to spare other people's pain; something he learned from her. MG states his objections; it's too risky and they need more time. In The Tale of Two Wolves, with Hope's first transformation looming, Caroline questions that Crescent wolves could control their transformations. She learns from Kaleb that he and Alaric lied to her about Landon, and head back to the Salvatore School. He asks if the Necromancer ever revived, but he didn't. Landon arrives with a way to defeat it - respect. It's clear why theyre here, and she isn't interested in verbal sparring. Trial by single combat. She becomes increasingly angry when Landon, Wade, Pedro and Kaleb attempt to take down Pothos without her. At the Wellness Retreat, Hope and Josie are surprised with Lizzie's sudden appearance. In Tangled Up In Blue, Hayley is walking by the pool at night, and she suddenly looks up to see herself face to face with a wolf. In Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, Hope wakes up on a bench outside of Rousseau's. However, she believes her opinion should count for something. All she'll have to do is listen. With this, she lets herself into the school when Dorian is gone. Opening the sarcophagus, she stabs Aurora with the trident and regains her body. Despite going for nostalgia, all she's getting is the smell. That is the fate she has to accept; to be the one that lives. He retorts that should she get free, then hopefully he and Lizzie will be long gone and rushes out of one of the many doors, leaving Hope trapped. In To Whom It May Concern, Hope finds herself staring blankly at a canvass, unable to paint. Though he was a bit disappointed she sent him back from the prison world. She finds Malivore, controlling his thralls, behind a door. She is a born Crescent wolf, has the Mikaelson magical . She talks to her uncle Kol and he gives her an idea, which she contemplates. He cries as he watches Rebekah leave with Hope. Lizzie is concerned that she cannot win and runs away, which leads Hope to enact a plan-b. Klaus hears her screams and screams in agony. Rebekah daggered Hope but was incapacitated before they can leave. Gates are a common symbol in dreams as they represent thresholds in life. Hope is by birthright a member of the Crescent Wolf Pack and the North East Atlantic Pack, as well as an unnamed witch family, and the only child fathered by the Original Hybrid. Malivore believes that Hope is underestimating him, but Hope is a monster to which he has never seen. With the battle nearing, Alaric and Hope discuss their plan in the meadow. Those who haven't seenThe Last Tycoon may also recognize Russell as Grace from the 2015 filmAloha, Miranda from the 2017 flickWonder, or Joanie Williams from the 2018 comedy-dramaMeasure of a Man. However she shrugs him off, not wanting to reveal too much about herself to him in fears that her secret will be exposed. Josie is conflicted. She hope's his statement is wrong, but realizes what Lizzie's next move would be. Hope pretends her humanity returns to trick Lizzie into helping her defeat Aurora. She admits that she is but is looking for someone, with Dorian admitting that all of the students have gone home for the summer. In This Feels A Little Cult-y, Hope is late for the theatre class rehearsal. This appearance by Morgan will mark the first time he is making an appearance on the show. That night, she and Landon sit at the pier on the lake. However later she destroys the nursery after killing Francesca because she needs her daughter back and nothing can soften her pain. Hope brings the Ascendant to Lizzie, asking if she knows where Alaric keeps his stash of Bennett Blood, to which she remarks she can think of at least three locations. She used to think that she'd do anything for Landon, but hesitates on this. She'd put herself in danger first because she can take it. Klaus then leaves Hope somewhere safe with Cami while he kills Dahlia and Esther. Ryan thanks her for keeping her promise and she fulfills the other end of their deal. She warns him to not try to talk her out of it. Hope and Landon clash over his jealousy of Roman during rehearsals and her magic grows unstable. Hope is shocked and manages to get Landon to stop. Aurora is killed and Hope has MG vamp to Lizzie. Landon questions why she stole the weapons in the first place. Aurora stands watching events unfold, not willing to intervene. The only solution they could agree upon was to leave it up to her. She picks up the object, stating this is the dumbest thing she's ever heard of and glows blue, stating that it's working. Klaus, Elijah and Genevieve take her to the compound. The two meet again in the basement of the school when Hope saves Alaric after he is attacked by the creature. When he saw Hope again (after their separation), in The Brothers That Care Forgot, he said to Rebekah that he can't imagine the joy spending every day with her and commented on how big she had gotten. Hope, out matched, flees from Aurora. In Til the Day I Die, she is at the cemetery laying a flower on Bill's memorial, Klaus comes to see her and he tries to comfort her but it doesn't work, she always feels bad. Lizzie scoffs at her remark and leaves. They arrive at the abandoned Shiloh Place and notices he's acting somewhat agitated. In the trees or on the breeze. Cleo suggests it sell it for what they need to save the school and the woman accepts. The Necromancer denies this. Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight? She ends up in the care of Klaus' sister, Rebekah (Claire Holt), the only person whom Klaus trusts to raise and protect Hope. Sitting down at the table, she takes a moment and gives her answer. He apologizes for his earlier comments. 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