Place of birth is Nepal Kathmandu. Narrated Zaid bin Aslam from his father who said: Umar bin Al-Khattab addressed the Corner (Black Stone) saying, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yaallah_in-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_4',624,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yaallah_in-large-mobile-banner-2-0');By ALLAH! It will be extremely helpful during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the planet Moon. c) Take recommendation fromIndian astrologerbefore wearing the pearl stone ring. Follow. No, it is neither recommended nor prohibited in Islam. These were three arrows, on the first of which was written Do, on the second Do not do and on the third Try again. If the person picked out the one which said Do, he would go ahead and do that thing; if it said, Do not do, he would not do it, and if it said, Try again, he would consult them again. If you feel diamond is expensive, you can go for the White Sapphire at 5 carats with silver on Friday in middle finger. Regards, I have worn yellow sapphire. Birth place Nandura Maharashtra, Pl. Hence Diamond or its substitute white sapphire can be helpful in shaping your career and profession. The problem is that you have afflicted Lagna. Having faith that anyone other than ALLAH Taala can help you or harm you is as same as including partners to ALLAH, idol worship. Hence, it will no longer be working. There will be. Hi Viren, the fearfulness happens when the Lagna lord gets afflicted. Can Men Wear Bracelets In Islam Source: These comments contain important and useful points. Hence, wearing Red Coral can be a great help for you. Pearls are mainly found in oysters or other marine organisms such as oysters. A pearl is not a stone or a mineral. Professionals who can get benefited by wearing pearl. Hence, wearing Emerald will be beneficial to you. Time 13:04 The Moon is the lord of the 8th house. 2.It was narrated from Zaynab the wife of Abd-Allaah ibn Masood from Abd-Allaah that he said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say, Spells (ruqyah), amulets and love-charms are shirk. I said, Why do you say this? The Diamond and White Sapphire is the beneficial stone. Then look at what happened in the later generations. However, pearl is not a harmful stone and also not that much expensive. Thanks. my D.O.B -9th december,1988.time of birth -3.30 a.m. place of birth-Midnapore,west bengal.can u suggest me which gemstone is beneficial for me?can i wear pearl in my index finger? Hi Porus So he tells him, If you give me such and such, I will write an amulet for that which will be this long and this wide he describes it and speaks to him in a nice manner. The pearl signifies softness, love, relationship, charming eyes and steady mind. any other metal or ring should i weared ? Looking forward to your suggestion. You can wear Pearl only if the Moon is placed in its sign or if it is recommended byExpert Astrologers. Some believe that it is recommended to increase memory and make the brain balanced. Venus Enterprises has been strongly focusing on gemstones industry. The pearl is not a good option for you. This scholarly difference was concerning hanging up amulets which contain Quraan or names and attributes of Allaah, so what do you think about the things which were innovated later on, doing spells (ruqyah) using the names of shayaateen (devils) and others and hanging them up, and even being attached to those shayaateen, seeking refuge in them, slaughtering animals for them, asking them to ward off harm and bring benefits actions which are pure shirk? You should change the gemstone after its inactivation. Which stone or which combination of gem stones is suitable for me? Thankyou so much Sir for giving me your time and suggestion. the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord, [Aal Imraan 3:7 interpretation of the meaning]. It is also beneficial for the childless couple and can help getting blessed with baby. You are born with Dhanu Lagna and Mesha Rashi. My details are When worn it recharges a person with vitality, energy and is highly recommended for people who feel depleted in energy. My DOB is 09/Sep/1976, TOB is 10.04 am, POB is Faridkot (Punjab), please suggest me stones that help me. You have not mentioned place of birth of your husband. The medical astrology recommends in certain cases to wear pearl with the combination of other gemstone to get rid of the illness like diabetes, bloodlessness, ocular problem, women diseases, kidney problem, asthma and pancreatitis etc. Yesterday i bought pearl 5 raati in silver ring it is good for me or not ? Hence, it is not recommend to wear pearl. The Wu family offered this item to the Temple of the Lord of the Black Heaven for the protection of their home. Pearl stones are believed to bring good luck, respect, honor, and increase wealth. Thankyou so much sir for your much needed expertise .. While performing salaah, his eyes fell on the ring. 2. I am thinking to buy pearl or diamond necklace It seems pearl is more affordable. The ulama give a few explanations to this hadith. What gemstone would you suggest in minimum rati. It is the gemstone which is prescribed to neutralize the negative influence of the Moon. Hence, it is extremely important to energize Jupiter. And there are other things which are widespread because of ignorance of Tawheed and the things which nullify it such as actions of shirk and idolatry which the Messengers were only sent and the Books were only revealed to put an end to. However, sometimes the gemstone is prescribed depending on the situation and requirment. It remove the evil influence of the planet Moon. Your email address will not be published. This is one of the false beliefs which the believer should be above believing. So whether you get engaged or not, intend by wearing a ring emulation of the Prophet Muhammad . Should I wear pearl as well. Only ALLAH Zille Shanahu can help us. Really like your insights around stones hoping you can advise me too? The Hanafis say it is not permissible to wear a ring made of bronze, iron, steel etc. Hi Mohit, Pear is not a suitable stone as you have born with Libra ascendant and the lord of 9th Mercury is in 8th house. Among them are the following: 1- You please Allah. If you are dealing in the business relating to water, oil, ocean, river, shipping and fishing etc. Hopefully some of this will be what the questioner is looking for. The Moon is the lord of your 5th house or brain in the birth chart. The pearl shows effect after four days, and the best result from the pearl can be availed for two years, and after that the stone becomes inactive. Abu Dawood narrated that Eesa ibn Hamzah said: I entered upon Abd-Allaah ibn Akeem and his face was red due to high fever. They said, O Messenger of Allaah, you accepted the bayah of nine but not of this one. He said, He is wearing an amulet. The man put his hand (in his shirt) and took it off, then he (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) accepted his bayah. Go for it. Hi A Santhana Vijayan, I sent a mail to your inbox. Men are allowed to use necklaces if it does not break rules and prohibitions in Shari'a and the basis of Islamic law. Dua to Make Someone Agree for Marriage. Want to learn, How to identify real or fake pearls? Wear it at least 4 carats with silver in middle finger on Saturday. Hi Suman, the pearl will not help you. Hi Ashutosh, True enough, limitations are self-imposed. There are lots of things going in mind but not comes out properly. The Etiquette of Wearing a Pearl Necklace. I m wearing it currently . You should wear White pearl at least 4 carats with silver on Monday. Hi Dilip, it is not possible to recommend the gemstone without birth details. Sorry sir I got my birth place is Nepal, eastern part .. Hi Aashika Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Please share your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. - Sahih al-Bukhari 5870; Prophet Muhammad forbade the wearing of a gold ring. For the most part, it is seen that the mother offers it to her caring child to power over outrage. It increases mental power and hence good for the students. As the planet Moon is a friendly planet to the Lagna Lord Mars, you should wear Pearl at least 4 carats wit silver on Monday. Your Lagna Lord is Venus which is afflicted by Mars and Sun. Thank you. It soothes the body, reducing anxious nerves and restlessness. The planet Moon is the lord of 5th house which is a beneficial planet for Pisces ascendant. difference between general purpose and special purpose processor cheesecake factory butter brand cheesecake factory butter brand Please advice. The pearl is not a suitable stone for you. h) The Moon being the lord of the sixth planet is the natural malefic planet for the Aquarius ascendant individuals and you are recommended to wear Pearl only if you are running through the Moon Mahadasha and Antardasha. What gemstone can i wear. DOB 05/12/1993 is it beneficial to me all now? Pearls bring about an emotional balance to a strained mind. Should I wear pearls and will it be good for me? Selling pearl s: Will acquire learning and convey it to people. Hi Rishabh As a result, he became a dragon. You can go for White Sapphire as Diamond is an expernsive gemstone. Hi Jass, In this case, you can use pearl in little finger. I suggest you to remove pearl instead use Red Coral with either copper or gold in ring finger. The people said: (O Rasulullah) those people do not accept letters without a stamp on it. The Vedic Science of wearing Gold and Silver. Hi Ram, although you are under the Mahadasha of Moon, you should not wear Moti/Pearl. Hi Srivats Some of them hang an old shoe on the front or back of the car; some hang a horse-shoe on the front of their house or shop. June Birthstone - The Pearl Month (+Giveaway) June 5, 2017. Please advice. Finally, an additional stone of significance in Islam is known as dur-e . & I Have Mars In 1st House in Cancer However, diamond is an expensive stone. The lord of Lagna is Mercury which is debilitated in the 7th house in Pisces. It is also said, (it means) that its color was Abyssinian (i.e. Source: Please tell me if it is good or not. Should i wear a ring of pearl in my little finger or not. The following Mantra should be chanted 108 times before wearing. My parents want me to get married but I cant as I am not financially stable and we had to sell our house and now are rented. I am struggling in my career growth and in influencing with higher authorities. So how about that which was revealed from the Compeller of the heavens and the earth, Who has the highest description in the heavens and on earth, to Whom is all praise in the beginning and at the end, to Whom all things return, so worship Him and put your trust in Him, He is sufficient for me, there is no god but He, in Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne. And Allaah is the One Whose help we seek. Individuals accept that wearing a white pearl can placate resentment. Your email address will not be published. New delhi, Please suggest me gemstone for health education and marriage. Do you think, after all that we have mentioned, that this belief is a form of minor shirk? Suggest me if any other stone i should wear The mighty Mughal Empire stretched over much of present day India and Pakistan and spread the art and culture of Islam throughout south Asia during the 16th and 17th centuries. Is it Compulsory to wear with silver? By Allaah, my eye was weeping with a discharge and I kept going to So and so, the Jew, who did a spell for me. You can download my (Pearl Buying Guide & Pearls Caring) e-book on Pearls A to Z completely free. Really nice post. It is okay if the ring being worn is studded with gold or silver, but it is best to choose a ring where the pearl is set into silver. Looks like you haven't made a choice yet. Hi Meenu, the gemstones you have been wearing is absolutely correct. My DOB is 05/09/1983 and time is 4.58 PM Wearing a silver ring is a Sunnah. The glorious Quran has the pearl described as Lulu e Marjaan (Arabic) and several other gems as well. Hello Sir , One of them will come to the person whom he wants to trick out of his money, knowing that the person is relying on him and trusts him, and he says: Such and such is going to happen to your family or your wealth or to you, Or he says, You have a qareen (constant companion) from among the jinn, or the like, and he describes things to him and and tells him things about himself that the Shaytaan whispers to him, to make him think that he has true insight and that he cares about him and wants to bring him some benefit. No, you should remove pearl and use Yellow Sapphire. So the individuals of this ascendant should avoid wearing this gemstone. Lets me explain in details. Can i also wear pearl to avoid stress and tensions? Also I am wearing an iron kada and not steel .. Hi Arjit, the certificate will always say if it is a Yellow Sapphire be it high quality or low quality. Hi Bela, You belong to Scorpio Ascendant and Capricorn Moon sign. a) The pearl would eliminate the malefic effects of the Moon inyour horoscope. Hence, go for the Pukhraj at least 5 carats with gold in the first finger on Thursday. Here are 9 impressive health benefits of pears. Whereas, It also sums up to the belief that anyone regarding anything that can help or harm us other than ALLAH Subhanahu Wata Ala. Looking forward to your suggestion. In conclusion, these amulets which do not contain Quraan or Sunnah are just like the azlaam in that they involve corrupt beliefs and go against the shareeah and are far-removed from the characteristics of Islam. Your best suitable stone is Ruby. You have not mentioned your time of of birth. Instead you can wear Red Coral which will help to get rid of stress and tension. The planet Moon is the lord of the 6th house. You are helping so much people generously out here .. How much ratti yellow sapphire to wear and with which metal ? But, some people use it in the pinky finger. Hence, Diamond is the most suitable stone. Hi Sudip, White pearl is not required at all now. Hi Tulsi, sorry for the late reply. If your wallet does not allow, you can use White Topaz at least 5 carats with silver in the middle finger. Hi Sir Surabhi Pandey. This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, 331 and 2972. This is the apparent meaning of the report narrated from Aaishah and it was the view of Abu Jafar al-Baaqir and Ahmad, according to one report. Karnataka is a state. Shaykh Abd al-Azeez ibn Baaz, Shaykh Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan, Shaykh Abd-Allaah ibn Qaood. Thanks a lot for your advise. Hi Aashika, Hello Sir, Thank you very much for your advise. I am completely frustrated with my life. for payment. Can you please give me confirmation about it? However, you can only wear this sacred gems during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the planet Moon if it is posited in either its exaltation or own sign. The Red Coral is the lord of 5th house which organizes your brain and mental activities. If most of the Sahaabah and Taabieen regarded it as makrooh in those noble times when the faith in their hearts was greater than a mountain, then regarding it as makrooh in these times of trials and tribulations is more appropriate and is more on the safe side. For this Ascendant, Mars is the Yogakaraka planet hence, is much beneficial. So you have been suffering. 4.Shaykh al-Albaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: This misguidance is still widespread among the Bedouin, fellahin (peasants) and some of the city-dwellers. It can especially bring benefits during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Moon. Also what type of gem stones preferred for me. c) The pearl is beneficial is worn during the Moon Mahadasha and Moon Antardasha in any Mahadasha. These are the comments of the scholars on the various kinds of amulets and the rulings on each kind. You belong to Kanya Lagna and Simha Rashi that indicates Emerald will do wonder for you. Hello sir plz something about my career jib m preparing from ias exam .how to be focused and what to do rituals and what to wear srones. The Moon is lord of your ascendant and a naturally beneficial planet in your horoscope, and so it is likely to enhance you with good health, wealth, personality contact with individuals in supreme authority and luxurious life. Place of birth is Kothamangalam, near Ernakulam, Kerala. If it is worn along with Yellow Sapphire you can reap more effective result. The planet Venus is also the lord of 9th (fate and fortune). Hi Payel The 8th house is considered as a Marak house. having intercourse with a woman who is breastfeeding a child means, if she becomes pregnant this will harm the child who is breastfeeding. Kindly provide ur Online Transaction details ( State Bank of India Account) City: Srivilliputtur (Virudhunagar District) Hi Ami, although you are under the Mahadasha of Moon you should not use pearl. b) The pearl can reduce the problems like throat trouble, eye trouble, dysentery which are caused by the afflicted Moon in your horoscope. //]]>, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023, Questions cannot be asked through this form. As you know, many of our "Islamic" cultures have been overwhelmed by superstitious practices from other cultures that people hardly realize they are at fault, assuming their culture to be pure and doubting what Islam says. How are you! Is it haram to wear gemstones? In the ahadith a similar incident is mentioned regarding a printed cloth. Abu Dawud and others have stated that besides the kings. Hi Deepak, you have not shared your time of birth and place of birth. Astrologers say that pearls play a role in curing various diseases including throat problems and diarrhea. A seal (stamp) was made in the sixth or seventh yearHijri (Islamic Calendar). f) Your memory power and brainpower accelerate by wearing a pearl stone. Hi Rohit, you are born with Libra ascendant (Tula Lagna). 3- It is Allah's preservation of your chastity. It should be worn with silver. a) Pearl will be extremely beneficial to Aries ascendant individuals. You can have harmonious married life by wearing this effective stone. You should not put on pearl if your ascendant is Gemini since it is not a beneficial planet for Gemini. It is thought that Ali wore this gem for strength. While in salaah, his sight fell on it. I was a top guy in my cls.. but now suddenly i keep failing.. would u pls suggest me which gemstones are beneficial for me? Hence, I suggest you to use Diamond 1 carat with silver or white gold. As Moonga represents the planet of Mars, the supreme commander of God's army, it helps get immense success . It is haram to wear jewelry because of pride or to prove that you are a better person than others. Hence, you are burdened with loans. Namaste guruji .. This stone can bring you happiness, increase good friend circle, improve mother's health and it can augment the general well-being. Would also like to know how will it benefit me. There is no hadith found regarding the types gemstones respective to his dates of birth. However, it is very important that you should always have astrological consultation before using this sacred gem to reap maximum benefits. 1. It is therefore very beneficial for people working as counselors, public speakers, therapists, psychologists etc. Wo. Benefits of Pearl Gemstone: Properties, Astrologic Benefits Who Can Wear Pearl(Moti)If the planet Moon is negatively placed in someone's kundly than astrolog. The lord of Lagna is Venus which is placed in the 8th house and have been afflicted by malefic Mars and Saturn. I hv Aries acendent moon is in Leo but no planet is in previous or next house to moon should I wear moti. He started sending letters to the kings to invite them to Islam. 63 Types of Black Gemstones: Properties, Uses and Benefits December 10, 2021. . You are under Shani Mahadasha that is not supportive to you. The reason is evident that Sayyidina Rasulullah SallALLAHU Alayhi Wasallam only made one when it became necessary before he began sending letters to the kings. Hi Babli Panchal, you belong to Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanu Lagna) and Aries Moon sign (Mesha Rashi). I want to know Pearl is good for me. Carrying loads of pearls in a dream means carrying burdens. Wearing the white pearl can enhance good health, personality, wealth, contact with high ranking people and a comfortable life. Some believe it can help with hearing difficulties, digestive ailments, sleep problems, and pain and inflammation management. Please share your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth so as to calculate and prescribe rituals for the IAS exam or administrative job. Before using this sacred gem to reap maximum benefits, psychologists etc as Lulu Marjaan... Of their home abu Dawud and others have stated that besides the kings type of gem stones preferred me! And marriage and 2972 here.. How much ratti Yellow Sapphire to wear jewelry because of pride to! And hence good for the students or other marine organisms such as oysters types gemstones respective to his of... Much for your much needed expertise it beneficial to you allow, you should have! Be above believing in shaping your career and profession with either copper or gold in ring finger How ratti... The Black Heaven for the protection of their home started sending letters the... 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