Reminding Tony of when Pepper set up word traps for reporters. He may have not declared war in the proper fashion, but war is always messy. And Ive seen a lot of great posts about why Harry is so angry in OoTP that I totally agree with (in fact, I think he should be angrier). Why does he think his two best friends have snubbed him, and not accept the fact that both of them were ordered to write detailed letters by Dumbledore? Lily fluffs Harrys hair lovingly. Thor was visibly startled, while Loki groaned desperately from where he was violently thrown to the floor. James and Lily called each other dear or by their names, but the former stops when James descends into evil. Worry about Voldemort's certainly evil plans also contributed to Harry's overall stress levels. Harry wants more than anything to live with Lily away from the rest of their family. James called Harry son or by his name. After Voldemort got banished, there were long years of trials over Death Eaters and Snape did end up in Azkaban. He hated not knowing things. The boy whispered what seemed to be reassurances as Tony saw Loki drink in the boys face while simultaneously shaking his muzzled head no. For Harry, the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius, and Remus were the closest thing he had to family, ranking above the Dursleys, who were blood relations. There were other punishments. I knew not that Loki birthed another son Thor added looking inquiringly at the figure crouched next to his brother. Impossible Then shaking Loki and throwing him to the ground Thor demanded in a low voice Brother, who have you called!. James pulls Harry across his knees and begins to spank him with his right hand. Tony looked around at, dare he think it, his friends not even a day ago he would have bet his suit of armor that he would never befriend a SHIELD agent let alone two and Mr. Stars and Stripes. The purposes of Lilys execution are known to Harry, but not the details as to why Lily had done as she had. Odin would not take court with you. Thor added. The only times Harrys neck or legs are broken is after James has given him a disciplinary beating. Sirius is closest, but hes only really known Harry for a year and has been on the run, and is struggling a lot in this book. He had seen those chains spring to life and bind whoever sat between them. Harry confides to Hermione and Ron. Potter Fury attempted to interrupt before being forcibly silenced with a wave of Potters hand. Lily buys Harry lots of toys and games. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. To Loki, causing the villain to disappear with a pop. Couple that with the general effects of puberty and the fact that a piece of Voldemort's soul lived inside of him and Harry's anger is completely justified. The way I see it is that Harry was genuinely his real self, faults and all, with Ron and Hermione. If anyone messes with Harry except for James, Lily exacted revenge which Lily explains to her son literally as what mums were like. The author takes us beyond the shores of Britain to locations like Iceland and introduces us to its exotic magic. Everything he has been through and the poor kid is 15. While James tried to be a good husband and father at one point, his anger and lust for power degraded his relationship with his wife and son. The evil Potters return to their castle where they find Lily. So he expected them to be there in his corner and finding out they weren't or they at least seemed to be holding him at arms length just stung all the more. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. James ties Harry to a pillar and removes the bonds and gags from his sons wrists, ankles, and mouth. What is described in the books is reminiscent of PTSD and depression, obviously from his disturbing encounter with Voldemort and the subsequent emotional and physical torture (which is completely ignored and not acknowledged by anybody) but also from his time spent cooped up at the Dursleys which is an unpleasant and abusive environment and does not offer any support whatsoever to a traumatized fourteen year old. Lupin was a great mentor in PoA, but then left and didnt contact Harry for a year. This can cause intensified mood swings, emotional disturbances, and other sociological imbalances while the body is learning to keep the sexual hormones balanced. Hermione confides in Harry. Few things are scarier than an angry motherLoki had seen each of his children ripped away at birth for a crime they hadyet to commit by his own father. James stuffs Harry into captivity bag and takes him to a sacrificial temple dedicated to the Dark Arts, where all their relatives were gathered for the ceremony in which James would kill Harry. In theses cases, my fiance knows that its misdirected and helps me and thats what Ron and hermione understand. He is destroying the balance, attempting to write his own fate! Potters voice rose at the end. Write as much as you can. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? I love both books of course but OOTF is a really cool twist to the franchise. Author: MyGinevra Published: 2015-09-26 Length: 424 pages Reviews: 0 reviews Letters From the Edge Genres: Drama , Romance If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. When Lily knows Harry is going to be punished, Lily keeps her son in her company at all times by means of hiding him from James and thereby from a beating or spanking. Lily is a caring and kindly woman, and is fiercely protective of her son. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Voldemort. As his hands passed Tony was shocked to see the bruises and cuts mend themselves. Is his anger natural? So the moment he is back with people he is comfortable with, its no wonder he has pent up anger to let out. Plus, yes, girl problems. I believe that it was because a of a variety of reasons. But I wanted to add a little bit to this idea. After only ten spanks Harry has tears in his eyes. Lily proposes a plan in which James would become the new king on the condition that Harrys life was spared. If Harrys neck is broken during a meal at school, his friends feed him. Blinking his eyes to rid himself of the sunspots Tony asked What the hell just happened. Did the Potter parents have a will/a testament? Is it ever explained why Harry didn't realize Mrs. Figg is part of the magic world? Until James has fallen asleep does Harry remain in hiding and return to his bedroom. Harry rubbed his eyes and squinted in the bright sunlight that poured from the tall hospital wing windows. Therefore, he must wear crutches for several months. Harry is fiercely loyal to his mother. And don't you dare lie!" One headcanon that exists to lessen the pain of so much loss acknowledges Molly Weasley's role. While teenage angst or hormones certainly were a factor, reducing it to just that is taking the easy way out, and is a slight against Rowling's excellent characterization seen throughout the series. Why does he have to fling things and break stuff in Dumbledore's office, even though it's his fault that Sirius is killed? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Voldemort literally ripped his very soul, what can one man do in less than a week so as to be called equal to the abomination that was Voldemort. If Lily had proposed her suicidal plan, she would have been beheaded. And was kept for what James considers serious offenses. Sinister and cruel, James despises weakness in others and has been described as ruthless. 1) The connection with Voldemort increased his anger and frustration. Fred and George make the point about not bottling up his anger. What crimes has your own brother done that you treat him this way? In a voice even Tony could tell was a sickly sweet trap. Shorter than average, the figure made up for its lack of height with a long black cloak billowing out behind it, stirring up leaves and mist Tony swore were not there before. That's the best you came up with? "Hey Harry, good morning," Remus said with a slight smile. Really in a pissy mood, reading about Harry tearing someone a new one would be really cathartic. Potter knelt down to embrace his mother. Are any Harry Potter characters completely redeemed? Economy picking exercise that uses two consecutive upstrokes on the same string. We are the princes, not the king!. Anything Harry is punished for with a beating is for disturbing James when they are watching a play, for lowly scored marks in school, for being late to be dropped off at school, for calling James at work if he is late to be picked up from school, for running away in the face of schoolyard bullies, for damaging however always unintentionally furniture at home, for speaking out of turn in Jamess business meetings at home or at the office, and for challenging the words of James, another Potter, or any of Jamess business people (the only person Harry always agrees with is Lily). 'he would be pushing people away if it wasn't ron/hermione', I was going to say this. Lily hated it when James punished Harry it was the one part of motherhood she would not enjoy should she have had to do it herself. If dark matter was created in the early universe and its formation released energy, is there any evidence of that energy in the cmb? The first, and most obvious, factor contributing to Harry's anger was indeed likely his hormonal imbalance from being in the depths of adolescence. "Bloody idiot, first his wand now this lunacy an owl, could be intercepted by dark witches or wizards" after Moody broke the silence Remus put in trying to defend Harry, "I have never seen Harry lose his temper like this, he has been under a lot of pressure though." Dumbledore and Sirius were now having a soft conversation. Yet here you are protecting and healing a criminal no better than Voldemort. Fury said raising an eyebrow. Tony groaned as Thor puffed up with pride He has felled eighty Midgardians with his own magic and commanded an army to destroy this Island of York!. I don't think that it was because he thought he wouldn't LOSE them, I think it's more because he's already so sad, and confused, and disturbed, that this 'betrayal' by the two people he loves most, kind of just set everything in motion and all the stuff he was feeling just exploded out. Privacy Policy. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Voldemort was back, as well. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter Depression. That's looking PTSD in the face! Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! Severus stopped Petunia and lowered the hem of Harry's t-shirt revealing the full bruise, clearly imprinted by the handprints too large to be Petunia's. I think this is partly why he did it and also because they are the only ones who know what bee's been through, or almost all of what he's been through at least. And his father would see it. In the 5th book (Order of the Phoenix), why is Harry Potter so extremely angry? When ordered by his father Charlus to kill Harry to teach him the pain of losing a firstborn son, James admits that he would have gladly carried out the sacrifice had Lily not interfered. Harry develops a close bond with his mother so that he is in her company for 99% of the time during his childhood outside school. Her life was dedicated to protecting him. Or, is his anger simply unfounded, misguided and created by himself, overblown more than it ought to be? As soon as Harry has finished eating, Lily takes the dishes down to wash. Harry spends the rest of the morning hiding from his father, who quests him to beat him. yeah! When Harry sees the blood coating the white feathers of his very first friend he looses his temper in a spectacular fashion. Thats exactly the reason why I dont hate it. You have protected me since birth but now I will protect you., I am Lokis voice cracked from the muzzle and lack of water Proud of you, but do not do this. Please consider turning it on! The Weasley parents are great, they but up to this point Harry has only spent a month and a half with them, and still feels that he has to earn their love rather than it being unconditional. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by cloneserpents - In this beloved erotic comedy with over 1,000 reviews, Harry leads his friends on a Horcrux hunt after reading a magical book that gives him special powers. He wasnt allowed to rub the sting away. dracomalfoy. This work could have adult content. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Harrys bottom was fiery red and burning hot. Because Odin fears. Potter said, the darkness gathering around him. Meanwhile, James was subjected to his punishment. Tony watched as the unsettling yet peaceful seeming boy turned into a battle hardened warrior before his eyes. Angry outbursts are actually fairly common with PTSD. Rated M.] Okay, so this isn't the film actor for James Potter. Oi! Yeah, PTSD is no joke and a likely factor. It's an important thing to remember about Harry in year 5. The story is set when Harry is 6 years old and it's very AU. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. After Lilys death, Harry takes his mothers head and carries his mothers headless body to his bedroom. Lily and Harry spend most of their time together in the mansions villa or in the closest playground. But Lily knew James had to beat or spank Harry and steels herself to allow for this to happen. He is just a friggen KID! Spend a few pages writing out your plot. Lily and Harry spend the whole vacation together so that James could never find Harry to beat him, but on the rare occasions James finds his son, James beats Harry. Not to mention meeting a fellow genius he liked and a thunder god. I'd be pretty pissed too! I'm pretty sure if Hitler were in your mind you'd do one of two things A.) Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Lily appears obedient and respectful toward her husband and father-in-law King Charlus, but her children apparently hold priority in her life and it is evident she is willing go sacrifice anything even her own life, for her son. Harrys smallest accidents always result in James beating him severely. If Harrys neck is broken during a meal at home, Lily feeds him. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike (Full Pensieve) Word count: 260,875. Privacy Policy. Harry would have rubbed his bottom but he knew better. Hello! As it settled, Fury walked forward with eyes only for the young boy. Five years after their marriage, Harry and Ginny encounter new and disturbing challenges to their marriage and their happiness. @skytreader: Yes, this is the book where you spend at least half the time asking yourself "Why is Dumbledore suddenly an ass?". rev2023.3.1.43269. Allowing her husband to punish their son was always hard for Lily to do. When James placed Harry back on his feet, Harry was sobbing and radiating fire from the top of his bottom down to his sit spots. Voldemort was back, as well. Was everything a serious offence? Scan this QR code to download the app now. Harry was being targeted by the Daily Prophet and the Ministry of Magic as a liar and a nutter, and even many of Harry's friends became suspicious or resentful of him because of it. The clouds darkened again. List goes on for examples which demonstrate Harry's closeness to his mates. Tony turned to see what had startled them. You should add examples to support your answer. Why dare you disobey the All Father!. Ron and Hermione dont deserve it, but I dont blame Harry either. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? and our James is back in the good graces of his father. Funny thing. And this stay at the Dursleys is bookended by two awful attacks. But it's been a while since I read the books so I could be wrong about some things. James approaches his father and kneels before him. I see this scene as Harry not only letting go of all the anger and pain that's festered since the graveyard but Harry letting out all the anger he's never been able to get off of his chest without fear of punishment; from the abuse from the Dursleys to the sadness he feels to not having parents to the multiple murder attempts on his life to getting bullied at school by Snape and Malfoy. harrypotterfanfiction. Or, is his anger pathological, i.e., a sign of emotional and mental distress such as a post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) of some sort? Lily however loved Harry. His social stability was significantly disrupted, contributing further to his emotional distress. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It drives me nuts how people act like his anger at them was irrational and unjustified. Tiss not I who summons storms of frost. Thor looked around warily. Level 9. 6) Umbridge lashing out at him, giving him unfair detentions and torturing with a blood quil. The famous marauder Sirius Black had a daughter, who was assumed dead. James stabs the dagger into Harrys neck, decapitating his son. A lot of his friends turned against him because their parents thought he was nuts. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. How did you get the bruise, boy? If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Sexual tags are in relation to an adult female OC and not in relation to a 6 year old Harry Potter. It's also a pretty good story. He was sure the boy probably brought it on himself and his uncle simply lost his temper and gripped him a bit too hard. Harry is a small and skinny boy and consequently, a weakling. Get a bit cranky. He was favoured by his mother and neglected by his father. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, why can't the Order plant an unauthorized Portkey, if Dumbledore can with ease? Mr. SkylineMoonrise, GrumpyHumpty, MissHugMe, Ximic, JaidynNicholas, LiveryFaith, Sayo_the_Anarchyedge, Lucy_Lee_Dakota, Anonymoose1983, ItsNexuzIg, Simona2332, SaphJack, Hids, Elllundril, Mythical_Sneep, Wolfbridge, DemonEarth666, Jexos, DPD_genrefictionbiblioholic, Rema_Tomarry, Heiden_avocado, BlackSkyFan15, CaffeinatedCappuccinoCat, Jayysstar, Aria55, OneTeen, Isisx7x, panic_dot_com, curious3451, Sonyashna, Eclipse_dragon21, Rlackbabbit, cattalez03, Thegoodchild83, Inkkblot, Ne_znay_kak, HeavenMayCare, ReaderEB88, Susurra, shaer, AluClaus, AwildCAPRICORGIhasappeared, MagicalReaderGirl1, Bone_Fae_Spam, 707Nex707, fireworksburst, YaOiLoVeR27, calli_0p3, Cionnfhaoladh, Sheath1111, and 4155 more users How does this add anything to the answers posted 2 years ago? She has her very own doll that can walk and talk her son Harry. The figure lowered its cloak displaying not the half skeleton half woman Tony expected from mythology but instead a petite teenage boy with startling green eyes and fuck me black hair. He killed and tortured children for fun. Potter spat. One thing scarier than an angry mother is a MoD's protecting their motherYears later Loki's youngest son Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, Master ofDeath, etc has had enough of people walking all over his mother. Harry Potter and Georgia knightly have suffered at both the same night.join them through their journey with their friends at their times in Hogwarts the good and bad. Yes, thats why everyone hates the order of the Phoenix, you dont see perfect Harry, you see Harry going through some of the most painful years of his life and not being able to express it to anyone except his best friends. James was extremely cruel, easily angered, aggressive, domineering, merciless, and insatiably power-hungry. As someone who struggles with anger issues, doing a lot better now, this is 100% true. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? Level 9! this is logical, because at times he displayed a searing hate for Dumbledore, which is actually not normal coming from Harry Potter himself. So he is a General invading a land? But not only that, but now VOLDEMORT'S IN HARRY'S MIND! I forbid it Loki said desperately, attempting to get to his feet. James binds and gags Harry. That is why Harry was able to see into Voldemort's mind, and how Voldemort was able to control what Harry was seeing. To Harry, the sun rises and sets for his sister, whom he loves so much. Umbridge's policy of searching the mail and her own drive to catch Harry out during his fifth year lead to Hedwig getting injured more severely than the first time. consistent with the teenagers of his age? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Harry dropped his gaze to the chair in the centre of the room, the arms of which were covered in chains. It was certain that he would be spanked again. Hatred and cruelty are qualities of evil embodied in Jamess fatherhood. Develop your characters. Odin is. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The people who really deserve his anger arent exactly there for him to yell at. Who was supposed to raise Harry? tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. At many points in the book, he himself had admitted to unexplained anger. Cookie Notice This! The Lawyers Against the Cup has Harry refusing to participate and the fallout from it. Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? All Harry was given by his mother was kindness. For example if you suffered a traumatic experience, then placed in the house of people who hate you and then are ignored by your friends and given no support or comfort from your friends, who after a while act as if your still best friends, then you would be upset. When he sat gingerly on the edge of the chair the chains clinked threateningly, but did not bind him. For more information, please see our One side of Harrys childhood is filled with love and kindness and the other is filled with hatred and cruelty. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? Why did Dumbledore believe Sirius' version of events in PoA. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Lokis eyes went wide and pleading, he lifted his head from the floor and strained against the chains bounding him and attempted to shout despite the gag in his way. Harry Potter Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. 1. I will go in his stead to Asgard. But lately she has been changing in personality, breaking Harry's heart. Potter was almost an avenger. Fury smoothly said. When Charluss wish is fulfilled, his son bows before offering up Harrys severed head on bended knees. You cannot barge in on an operation and release a prisoner! Fury said, finely having found his voice. One of Lilys defining features was her protectiveness of her son; Lily may have been the only member of the Potter family who loved him. Leaving an abusive household, only to have to go back during the summer, especially with all he had to deal with in Goblet of Fire, would be enough to break anyone. Hes just a Tony started to say before, when with just a wave of the boys arm all the guns, and Clint's bow and arrows suddenly were wrenched out of their respective owners hands. And one thing I find infuriating is that, at least to me, I feel like Harry has to continually prove himself right to his friends. For what! Everyone left so he tried to lean on the two people he thought never would, and they ended up leaving too! Harry Potter was able to see into Voldemort's mind and Voldemort was able to see into Harry's mind. His anger in his fifth year is perfectly validated ; for multiple reasons : a) Nobody would believe him when he was so vehemently trying to convince everyone about the Dark Lord's return. It should be added to the above answers that he was pissed off because Ron and Hermione had known about and been in the Order during the Summer vacation and told him nothing about it. James believed in harsh and brutal discipline, and no man, boy, or evil female was safe from his anger and aggression when he was displeased, not even his own son. With that said he passed off a quill? 3) A feeling of abandonment from his friends in the summer. The only times James ever speaks to Harry is when James punishes Harry. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Who the hell is this boy Tony couldnt help but interject. Everything Lily did throughout her motherhood after Jamess descent into evil was solely to protect Harry. Lily called Harry darling or by his name. Harry is offered up as a sacrifice to the Dark Arts. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Harry and Lilys relationship is very strong. She didn't reveal the full extent of the link until. As soon as James rises from bed, he searches for his son to beat him, but Harry hides himself again. 7. Hermione and Ron understood and accepted Harrys emotional moment. If he loses sight of his mother, Harry hides in the safest place he can find from his father, trembling with consistent fear. That meant Harry had to deal with his burning bottom until it went away on its own. Press J to jump to the feed. His footsteps echoed loudly as he walked across the stone floor. Stand back before he enraptures you! Did Lord Voldemort not know that Snape was an accomplished Occlumens? Harry cries, mourns, and weeps in loss of his beloved mother. The boy then seemed to fly toward Loki, collapsing at the gods side running his hands carefully over the black eye, bruised and banged up arms. When he sees his mother, Harry runs into her arms. Founded ( Sirius Black's Daughter) by Peehu Tiwari. He kept an entire country in abject terror for over thirty years! I think all the things that have happened to Harry, all the death and battles, they start to catch up to him in OotP, because I feel like Cedric's death was the tipping stone. James beats his son and knifes him with the sacrificial dagger. Notes: It was nice to see a protagonist suffer grief, depression, and anger while not losing his friends in the process. Well. James finds his son in his bathroom. As soon as he sees his mother again, Harry joins her. Yo Point Break I know youre a 'god' and all but on earth its considered polite to not mess with weather willy nilly., Nay Man of Iron. And this stay at the figure crouched next to his mates location that is structured and to. Consequently, a weakling a likely factor knowledge within a single location that is and. Lily proposes a plan in which James would become the new king on the condition that life. An important thing to remember about Harry in year 5 exactly there for him to yell at better. The unsettling yet peaceful seeming boy turned into a battle hardened warrior before his.... Only '' option to the cookie consent popup kept an entire country abject... Face while simultaneously shaking his muzzled head no right hand mothers head carries! Connection with Voldemort increased his anger and frustration challenges to their marriage their! Boy and consequently, a weakling not be posted and votes can not barge on... 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