C) episodic memory The data show that she is simply very likely to be poor A) Neurotransmitters She and her colleagues plan to submit the findings for her publication. B) recall/recognition A) a psychoanalyst B) Synapse Which of the following is the best example of an unconditioned response? She loves the music it plays and as a result, she plays only that channel whenever she wants to listen to music. A) Central nervous system A) A flower Dr. Cardinale is interested in the effects of heredity and environment on intelligence. C) 2-3 minutes D) Sustained attention, Spanking is a form of _____; time out is a form of _____. The lecture you were listening to is over. B) extinction B) Classical conditioning Dr. Badal likely practices the _____ approach to psychology. His view is known as B) a third variable, such as heat, may account for the association between ice cream, sales and violent crime Explanatory Design. D) A hypothesis is a testable prediction. Required: \text{Jan. 1}&\text{Purchase\hspace{48pt}}&\text{60 units}&\text{@ \$5.00 =}&\text{300}\\ C) Nucleus Webb. B) Sneezing in response to sniffing pepper C) anterior pituitary gland You have to study four chapters of information for your next test. b-affect the duration of a study. A) is followed by a desirable stimulus. C) It is involved in the regulation of mood and attention. Building a scientific and effective human capital development system is an important driving force to improve workers’ living standards and promote innovative development. In descriptive statistics, the range is a measure of, Establishing an operational definition ensures that everyone agrees on what a variable means. Which of the following statements is true of quasi-experimental designs? Why do demand characteristics matter in research? a variable that has not been measured accounts for the relationship between two other variables, In correlational research, the "third variable problem" refers to a circumstance in which, Five students had the following scores on a psychological test: 10, 10, 15, 25, and 40. B) experimenter bias Demand characteristics can invalidate research studies by providing an alternative explanation for the results. Professor Izadi is interested in determining the association between sleep and cognitive performance. A) They encase and insulate most axons. Based on the order of the listening and mood-rating tasks, participants can figure out what this experiment is about and adjust their responses. Survey Research 2. D) Bile, The endocrine glands include all of the following except the & 40,000 & 45,000 & 35,000 \\ B) an experimental w=xyln(xz)w=x y \ln (x z)w=xyln(xz). A=[476231512]A=\left[\begin{array}{rrr}4 & 7 & 6 \\ -2 & 3 & 1 \\ 5 & 1 & 2\end{array}\right] B) cognitive Based on previous studies, you use a word completion task to infer participants moods. Keeping its needs in mind, Elixir will most likely hire a(n). Which of the following correlation coefficients is indicative of the strongest relationship between two variables? Wilhelm Wundt's approach to discovering the basic elements of mental processes is called Random assignment can be achieved in many different ways, such as by flipping a coin, using a table of random numbers, or using numbers randomly generated D) generalization, How long does information last in sensory memory? \text{At December 31, 2018} D) the humanistic approach. Wilhelm Wundt was the founder of __________, whereas William James was the founder of ___________. Which of the following is true with regard to the principles of behaviorism? C) Internal states such as thinking, wishing, and hoping are of greater importance, in comparison to observable behaviors. These cues can lead to participants changing their behaviors or responses based on what they think the research is about. You repeat this study with a double-blind design. Settings should involve events or processes that subjects find meaningful and impactful. B) the amount of time a neuron must "rest" in between firing episodes is stable. B) sexual and aggressive impulses buried deep within the unconscious mind influence the way people think, feel, and behave Predict the bond angles for all bonds in the compound below: The most basic level of maslow's hierarchy of needs are __________ needs. B) evaluating solutions Lionel is asking his employees to engage in _____. C) Darwin stated that humans descended from apes, a principle that allows psychologists to understand human behavior D) Inductive reasoning, Multitasking is an example of _____. Which of the following represents the best interpretation of this result? He asks his employees to brainstorm and create a list of all possible solutions to keeping the company in business. B) a cognitive psychologist C) creative After the accident Taylor used to be talkative seems to be unable to speak. D) chunking, In the experiment with little Albert conducted by Watson and Rayner, _____ was used as an unconditional response for conditioning Albert to fear a white rat. B) advocates that people forget not because memories are lost from storage but because other information gets in the way of what they want to remember A)The participants were all men C) neurogenesis Dr. Aoki used double-blind procedures in his experiments to reduce the potential for. D) endocrine system. A) the cognitive approach In this experiment, which of the following is the dependent variable? D) There is no way to know how he would answer, The endocrine glands produce chemicals called C) the psychodynamic approach A) measured by researchers. D) Sigmund Freud. The types of experimental study designs are into three types as Pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, and real experimental. A) population WebDemand characteristics are all the clues in an experiment which convey to the participant the purpose of the research. D) stem cells, In the context of neurotransmitters, which of the following best describes the effect of norepinephrine stimulation? A) sensory system. B) External validity Neuroscience studies are based on the _____ approaches to psychology. A) the central nervous system B) reuptake This minimizes several types of research bias, particularly sampling bias, survivorship bias, and attrition bias as time passes. Students were asked the number of hours they slept the night before an exam; he then correlated these scores with their test grades. C) Environmental impact study A) dendrites While filling out items on a questionnaire, Amanda finds that some of them embarrass her, and she decides to skip them. C) limbic system. The study concerns a new design of a marine axial fan. C) Divided attention C) UR 4,800dollars4,800dollars2,400dollarsb. A) cerebral cortex D) High levels of serotoninDepression, B) Low levels of dopamineParkinson disease, In multiple sclerosis, identify the part of a neuron that typically hardens and disrupts the flow of information through neurons. They all turn him down. Find the first partial derivatives of the given function. C) functionalism D) observational learning; classical conditioning, B) classical conditioning; operant conditioning, Recollections of John's first family vacation to Disneyland are part of John's _____. In this scenario, the research method used by the investigators is most likely a(n). Widely known as "Charlie Bit My Finger," the clip, which quickly went viral, shows a British baby laughing hysterically as he bites his crying brother's finger. D) There is a low positive correlation between sleep and exam performance. In a single-blind design, you know the participants condition assignment, while in a double-blind design, neither you nor the participants know the condition assignment. A) Brain stem B) You would break the topics to be studied into smaller areas and focus on each in an organized sequence. 1Purchase180units@$4.50=810Totals380units$1,950180units\begin{array}{lcccr} B) Elaboration \text{Jan. 1}&\text{Beginning inventory}&\text{140 units}&\text{@ \$6.00 =}&\text{\$ 840}\\ B) behaviors followed by desirable outcomes are strengthened and behaviors followed by undesirable outcomes are weakened Experimental research isolates and manipulates certain variables in order to see how other variables are A) convergent thinking C) Collateral sprouting He conducts a study to see if he is right He goes up to five people he thinks are good looking and asks them for spare change. The poll includes 1000 people. C) A theory can generate only one hypothesis. WebExperimental designs, also called randomized experiments, are characterized by two distinguishing features: (i) the conscious manipulation by the researcher of a treatment or, more generically, an independent variable of interest, and (ii) the random assignment of units to treatment and control groups (Fig. C) genome-wide association method D) motivated forgetting is a poor treatment for overcoming traumatic events, B) most forgetting occurs soon after we originally learned something, When you are asked to recall your first day of kindergarten, you rely on _____, whereas when you are asked to recall the name of a person you just met a few seconds ago, you rely on _____. The somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system are components of the A) resting potential _____ has to do with remembering how. WebM-Turk respondentsmay also exhibit experimental demand characteristics to a greater degree than do respondents in other subject pools, divining the experi-mentersintentandbehavingaccordingly(Orne1962;Sears 1986). D) Latent learning. \hline D) brain's special capacity for modification and change. A laboratory is a controlled setting with many of the potential confounding factors of the real world removed. D) Darwin created functionalism, B) Darwin's principle of natural selection suggests that human behavior is partially a result of efforts to survive, Two psychologists Clayton and Sam, are interested in studying emotional expressions. D) behaviorism. You cant say for sure that your independent variable manipulation alone caused the change in your dependent variable. D) biological. B) action potential D) experiments. b. texting accidents According to the science of psychology, a behavior is a(n) Sam is interested in describing the types of emotions people express and building a catalog of all the emotions and emotional expressions that exist. D) Latent learning. C) psychologists do not engage in critical thinking C) estrogen and epinephrine B) connects the brain and the spinal cord to the rest of the body. B) random sample A) A theory gains credibility when the related hypotheses turn out to be true. D) a weak negative relationship, A study on obesity had four groups, each with a different assignment. Which of the following is true with regard to the association cortex? C) has processed this information at an intermediate level A) Emily is likely to be wrong. D) Axon, The law stating that once the electrical impulse reaches its threshold it fires and moves down the axon without losing intensity is called B) William James; Wilhelm Wundt B) implicit psychodynamic theory The connectionist view of memory _____. A) Amanda should really complete those questions. B) manipulated by researchers. Which of the following statements is true of statistical significance? While participants receive only one independent variable treatment in a between-groups design, they receive all independent variable treatments in a within-groups design. \end{array} ArtBlytheCoopera. refers to the soundness of the conclusions that a researcher draws from an experiment. C) random assignment A) informed consent A) case studies D) sympathetic, If a person needs to run away from a dangerous situation, the _____ nervous system sends blood to the person's extremities to prepare him or her for taking off. Family and friends start making jokes about any male friends of Sarahs who have Red hair. \end{array} Experimenter demand effects refer to changes in behavior by experimental subjects due to cues about what constitutes appropriate behavior. D) relies on the experimental method, A) is an in depth look at a single individual, Maya burns her fingers while cooking dinner. Ian is a(n) ________ in Dr. Matteo's experiment. Psychology must include _________ and _____________. A) stress hormones October 20, 2021 A) repressed A) Generalization For example, some college students who are required to take part in research studies for academic credit may feel especially rebellious in a research setting. C) a case study of one psychology student's experience with exercise -0.24, They are useful when information from many people is required. Demand characteristics: environmental cues that encourage participants to conform to researchers expectations. In psychology experiments, demand characteristics can arise from many sources. B) Emily is likely to be wrong because 1000 people is a high number https://quizlet.com/148723051/psyc101-chapter-1-flash-cards A) mental imagery You should always debrief participants about the studys real aims after theyve completed it. B) divergent thinking 6,6676,6676,666c.013,3336,667d.03,00017,000\begin{array}{lrrr} Weaknesses \text { b. } She enjoyed their company a great deal and was very impressed with how nice they were. B) eliminate cofounds in a study Using a special technique researchers present a picture of a flower to Miles's Right brain and a picture of a bumblebee to his left brain. D) used non-linguistic encoding processes, According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, _____ intelligence involves the ability to design, invent, originate, and imagine. B) extinction This disorder is often treated by diet but sometimes individuals with diabetes must inject themselves with insulin. B) Darwin's principle of natural selection suggests that human behavior is partially a result of efforts to survive Abe and Carl's views reflect the _____ approach to psychology. Experimental research tends to be much less vulnerable to confounds: the more control you have over what happens during the study, the more you can prevent confounds from appearing. D) Fight or flight response, Neural networks are networks of nerve cells that integrate sensory input and A) Biopsy Matt gives his father a complete breakdown of the pros and cons of each of the different video game systems on display. A key requirement for the process of testing hypotheses in the scientific method is A) fire C) cyton - Results of laboratory experiments tend to be reliable, as the conditions created (and thus results produced) can be replicated. She spends a lot of time worrying about what might happen and she gets her self-worked up about imagined catastrophes. C) corpus callosum C) located inside the cell body. They fail to establish a clear causal relationship between variables. D) curiosity, Charles Darwin's work is relevant to psychology because April is the shortest woman in her class and when she reads about the study she becomes upset. & 6,800 \text{ dollars } & 6,800 \text{ dollars }& 3,400 \text{ dollars } \\ C) a conclusion D) structuralism, Abe and Carl are psychologists who believe that people have free will and can make choices based on higher human values. C) Collateral cells 5,6675,6675,666c.011,3335,667d.01,00016,000\begin{array}{lrrr} What circumstance must exist for a bond to be purely covalent? C) prejudging \text{Jan. 10}&\text{Sales\hspace{65pt}}&&&&\text{80 units @ \$15}\\ The research was based on numerical simulations and experimental research. C) Estrogen and epinephrine A) mobilize the body for action in a dangerous situation Published on A) functionalism. D) peripheral nervous system. B) only experimental research allows researchers to determine causality C) proposes that memories are organized only to the extent that neurons, the connections among them, and their activity are organized The concept of demand characteristics, which involves research participants being aware of what the researcher is investigating, is well known and widely a statistical procedure that summarizes a large body of evidence from the research literature on a particular topic, allowing the researcher to assess the strength of the relationship between the variables. Aspects of a study that communicate to the participants how the experimenter wants them to behave are known as A) poor operational definitions. The following condensed balance sheet is for the partnership of Arnie, Bart, and Kurt, who share profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3:3, respectively. Experimental manipulation: Manipulating an independent variable in a study (for instance, giving smokers a cessation program) instead of just observing an association without conducting any intervention (examining the relationship between exercise and smoking behavior) His view is known as. Demand characteristic is another type of bias that occurs when participants receive a subtle cue from a researcher that indicates the response they desire from the participant. C) the sociocultural approach In this case, the independent variable is the, A survey would be least useful in determining the ___. According to Thorndike's law of effect _____. Once the experiment is over, the correctional officer goes home and tells his roommates about the results of the study and about the inmates who did not perform well. Which of the following is a potential problem of using correlational studies in psychological research? The final step in the scientific method of psychology. C) polarization The higher the number of cases, the easier it is to get statistical significance. The goal of _____ research is to determine the basic definitions and dimensions of the phenomenon under investigation. This is in accordance to the principle of Which of the following mechanisms of brain-damage repair is apparent in this example? Then, using information from that individual's medical records, interviews, and observations, Dr. Okawa attempts to create an in-depth portrait of the individual. Participants in an experimental research study listen to a lecture either in a lecture hall filled with natural light or in a lecture hall with artificial light and no windows. Demand A) acetylcholine & 6,667 & 6,667 & 6,666 \\ A) chromosomes A) skepticism A) hardware/software B) an observation Tamika hypothesizes that women are more helpful than men. D) an organism will recover a previously conditioned response when placed in a novel context. Which of the following is an example of behavior? Which of the following research methods is likely to be most effective for Aaron's study, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. The endocrine system gland that is involved in diabetes is the B) long-term memory/short-term or working memory One group of participants read a brochure about diet and nutrition; another group had a 30-minute nutrition counseling session; a third group read the newspaper; a fourth group watched a video about exercise and fitness. On January 15, 20X7, the first cash sale of other assets with a carrying amount of 150,000 dollars realized 120,000 dollars. D) 5 minutes, A) A fraction of a second to several seconds, A _____ reinforcer is a reinforcer that acquires its positive value through an organism's experience. Demand characteristics cannot be eliminated from experiments, but demand characteristics can be studied to see their effect on such experiments. -0.87 Specifically, tall people tend to make more money than short people. C) Implicit memory/explicit memory C) evolutionary B) serotonin B) psychologists on the whole agree among themselves on most aspects of the field To avoid this problem and the resulting internal validity concerns, it may be desirable to avoid signaling to B) phenotype He is not keen to establish causation, but would like to determine whether and how the increase or decrease in one variable is related to the increase or decrease in the other variable. Experimental Research Design - Meaning, Characteristics and Classification Dec. 31, 2020 8 likes 5,155 views Download Now Download to read offline Education This ppt contains Experimental Research Design Which covers Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of Experimental Research Design. B) Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences/Sternberg's triarchic theory A) negative reinforcement. While observing adolescent groups, however, Gerald rarely sees adolescents offering each other cigarettes or putting pressure on others to smoke. D) the way in which information is processed and manipulated in the decision making process, B) representation of the average or ideal member of a concept, The cerebellum and _____ play an important role in implicit memory. B) polygenic inheritance B) behaviors followed by desirable outcomes are strengthened and behaviors followed by undesirable outcomes are weakened, Attention, deep processing, elaboration, and the use of mental imagery are _____ processes. He tells Ian, his research assistant, to act as a participant and say aloud the names of a few predecided nonexistent items during the experiment. D) polysome, Which of the following statements is correct? D) acetylcholine and testosterone, The endocrine system Last updated 22 Mar 2021 Presence of demand characteristics in a study suggest that there is a high risk that participants will change their natural behaviour in line with their interpretation of the aims of a stud y, in turn affecting how they respond in any tasks they are set. Which of the following is the purpose of using an operational definition? B) the behavioral approach A) American Psychiatric Association D) variable, The statement "I believe this research will demonstrate that students who study in groups will get better grades than those who study alone" is an example of You are more likely to risk having demand characteristics if you use a within-groups design. He found a +.81 correlation between these two variables. 15,000dollars51,000dollars44,000dollarsb. \textbf{Sanderson Manufacturing Company}\\ a.b.c.d.Casey15,000dollars40,00055,00060,000Dithers51,000dollars45,00033,00036,000Edwards44,000dollars35,00022,00024,000. A) central nervous system C) consists of glands that regulate the activities of certain organs by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. C) It inhibits the heart muscle, intestines, and urogenital tract. B. Watson and B. F. Skinner believed that. He collects detailed information from an individual who has experienced brain damage. What does this result mean? Which of the following is most like what a psychodynamic thinker might say? Aaron wants to study the association between sleep deprivation and the number of hours spent on computer every day. Think of these as clues about the research hypotheses. D) It is the region of the cerebral cortex that is the site of the highest intellectual functions, such as thinking and problem solving. The _____ establishes ethical guidelines for its members and the _____ evaluates the ethical nature of research conducted at their colleges and universities. Laker Company reported the rollowing January purchases and sales data for its only product. D) a sealskin coat, Asking an eyewitness to describe a suspect's physical appearance to a sketch artist would be an example of a _____ task, whereas asking an eyewitness to identify a suspect on the basis of a lineup of five possible assailants is an example of a _____ task. B) Polygenic markers D) humanistic, _____________ believed that psychology should be about what people do, and should not concern itself with what cannot be seen, such as thoughts, feelings, and goals. D) social relationships, The hippocampus, the temporal lobes in the cerebral cortex, and other areas of the limbic system play a very important role in _____ memory. B) There is a low negative correlation between sleep and exam performance. C) Selection bias C) functions/retrospection D) scope, A drawback of laboratory research is that A) Neurotransmission Bertha is using _____. C) human beings have an unconscious desire to harm their siblings, which is disguised by the humor of the clip A) increase the reliability of a study a. B) axons D) this clip demonstrates that cuteness is an important adaptation. A) they fail to establish a clear causal relationship between variables A) 150 C) Observational learning Iron is a common element in the solar system; it is the single most abundant element within Earth by mass. Behavior is _____; mental processes are _____. B) Episodic memory/semantic memory WebEffective field experiments usually share certain characteristics. Web2 Characteristics of experimental research 2.1 The variables or experimental factors are manipulated 2.2 Control groups are established 2.3 It is assigned randomly 3 Examples of experimental investigations 3.1 Study on improving the social climate in the classroom 3.2 Possible cure for breast and prostate cancer The schematic of the present experimental setup for pool boiling on downward-facing surfaces is shown in Fig. D) science and either behavior or mental processes or both. D) personal opinions about what causes people to do bad things. You may have a greater risk of demand characteristics in a single-blind design compared to a double-blind design. A) a correlational D) olfactory. WebExperimental Design - University of Central Arkansas UCA B) Amanda is within her rights to leave any question blank if she chooses, and the experimenter has definitely "crossed a line" When you use blinding or masking, you conceal from participants whether they are in a treatment or control group. B) frontal lobes C)Functionalism/ Which of the following is a true statement about dendrites? C) dopamine C) long-term memory/procedural memory \text { a. } Random assignment can be achieved in many different ways, such as by flipping a coin, using a table of random numbers, or using numbers randomly generated For specific identification, ending inventory consists of 200 units, where 180 are from the January 30 purchase, 5 are from the January 20 purchase, and 15 are from beginning inventory. D) somatic nervous system, The _____________ connects the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body Group A is the _____, while Group B is the _____. Describe the shape of the distribution of perceived age estimates. A) Elaboration B) positive reinforcement/negative reinforcement B) pyramidal B) Neurotransmitters C) human beings have an unconscious desire to harm their siblings, which is disguised by the humor of the clip, Any changeable phenomenon that a scientist studies is called a C) autonomic nervous system William James, a prominent American psychologist and philosopher, focused on human interactions with the outside world to understand the purpose of thoughts. D) an introvert, Fifteen-year-old Matt and his father are in an electronics store looking at video game systems. Which of the following is not a part of psychology according to its definition? Retained earnings at the beginning of the year was. WebIn experimental research, demand characteristics tend to Select one: a. increase the reliability of experimental results. Instead, your participants reactions to the demand characteristics may have led to the results. Dr. Amani is interested in investigating why women are more able to correctly interpret emotional expressions than men. Paul concludes, "Aha! A) theory This is in accordance to the principle of. D) the factors that change in response to the changes in dependent variables. Doing these exercises should increase the response of the _____ nervous system, which results in a slower heart and respiration rate and less muscular tension. C) using Miller's framework for memory retrieval On this date, its condensed balance sheet was as follows: In a partnership liquidation, the final cash distribution to the partners should be made in accordance with the, If the firm, as shown on the balance sheet, is dissolved and liquidated by selling assets in installments and if the first sale of noncash assets having a book value of 90,000 dollars realizes 50,000 dollars and all cash available after settlement with creditors is distributed, the respective partners would receive (to the nearest dollar), If the facts are as in question 3 except that 3,000 dollars cash is to be withheld, the respective partners would then receive (to the nearest dollar), If each partner properly received some cash in the distribution after the second sale, if the cash to be distributed amounts to 12,000 dollars from the third sale, and if unsold assets with an 8,000 dollars book value remain, ignoring questions 3 and 4 , the respective partners would receive. 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