JACKSON LEE DAVISNETFLIX Old Wounds The duo hit a snag. She is scared of going out of the apartment, and Sarah tries to be her friend and wonders why she does not have many female friends. When she's absent, Albert predictably betrays Sarah's trust by stealing Sarah's keys and Bailey's gun, which leads to a total disaster in the building when Albert robs a tenant. Also, Claudia is trying to get closer to her grandfather Jake, and she asks him to move into the house. Bailey decides to solve the situation with Sarah by buying an engagement ring. Claudia realizes that Reed does not have the same romantic feelings that she does for him. Sarah and Bailey go to check out the new loft apartment. The arrival of Charlie's old girlfriend, Pamela Rush, interrupts Kirsten and Charlie's wedding plans. The next day, Bailey moves out of Callie's apartment and back to the Salinger house. Christopher Keyser & Amy Lippman & Chris Levinson. Her mother tells Bailey that she got into Brown University (Sarah's disapproving parents are trying to keep her away from Bailey). It starts a wave of arguments over one's priorities. Drama Family Bailey now enjoys dating Sarah, but his public affection and general spontaneity make her feel like a Jill substitute. She's not sure if she wants to have an abortion. They go to a judge. After everybody has given up, Claudia tells Bailey that if he does not face his drinking problem and look for help to stop his self-destructive lifestyle, than he will no longer be a part of the family. Sarah confronts Bailey about his anger towards her after she called off their engagement. They all convince Charlie that Bailey has a serious drinking problem. Elsewhere, Griffin Holbrook returns with a minor leg injury from a boating accident in the Merchant Marines, and Julia encourages him to sue so he can be financially stable for a while he looks for steady work. But when his plans fail, he tells Charlie to plan his own wedding. Jealousy plagues everyone as Charlie tries to figure out what Kirsten's relationship with Ben Atkins is. Julia starts college at Stanford, and Bailey and Sarah take Claudia to her new school in Massachusetts. Evan and Julia finally sleep together. Julia realizes that Major Holbrook is friendly with Griffin just for the money. Kirsten and Charlie finally sleep together. Maggie catches Ned and Julia together. Charlie also meets Kirsten's new husband, Paul Thomas, a resident intern at the hospital where Kirsten also works. Bailey "Bay" (family nickname) Salingeris the secondchild of the Salinger family in the 1994 television series Party of Five. Meanwhile, Kirsten tries a new anti-depressent medication which her depression turns into compulsive cleaning and organizing, which drives her crazy and she decides to go off the medication, but she immediately becomes depressed and withdrawn more than ever. Bailey turns to Sarah for consolation and she confesses that she is in love with him. The real shock comes when she admits to being pregnant from their first sexual encounter. Claudia confides in Julia about being very depressed and lonely. Bailey sabotages Julia's audition for the lead singer of a band by sending Sarah, who gets the job. Charlie and Kirsten have a terrible honeymoon in Mexico when Charlie gets sunburned and Kirsten gets. Justin tells Julia that he does not want to go through the same thing again. Also, Julia wins an award for her writing, but her siblings are humiliated by what she wrote about them. Claudia gets drunk at Grant High School's homecoming dance when no one reacts to Derek's problems. Callie goes to Sarah and tries to find out why Sarah is helping Bailey so much. Sarah learns that her parents have separated. Bailey goes to a bar and almost drinks, but meets a woman named Tracy, who turns out to be married. Meanwhile, Julia and Griffin finally realize they are investing money in a failed business after they scrap together money to produce a TV commercial for the garage which falls flat. Sarah is shocked when Bailey gives Hannah money for an abortion. Meanwhile, Myra keeps turning to Charlie for help, but when he reports her to her principal, Myra's mother claims that he was involved with her sexually. Charlie asks Grace to be his date at the wedding, but she gets confused when he makes a speech that is definitely about Kirsten. Julia also never grew up and has been engaged to Justin for years, which changes when she meets Griffin for the first time and loses her virginity with him. Meanwhile, Will has a new girlfriend named Gina, who is really talkative and annoying, and he breaks up with her because Bailey does not like her. Bailey continues dating Holly. Sarah tries to become friends with Albert, the guy that mugged her. He and Julia are now debt free. Kirsten reveals that she has been diagnosed as a. Cooper wants to sleep with Julia, but she tells him that she is not ready because of her pregnancy scare. When he does something stupid he has an intense conversation with his brother. When Bailey does not accept her decision and Kate does not change her mind, they break up. Claudia overhears their conversation and tries to do all that to get Artie's attention. But when Charlie realizes that he does not want to fight another ugly court battle and let Daphne be unhappy, he eventually tells her that she can leave town with their daughter and Luke. Charlie is Bailey's older brother and also a parental figure. They kiss, but Sarah tells Bailey that she just wants to be friends with him. Charlie tries to help her as much as he can, but nothing seems to work, yet he stubbornly refuses to give up on her. Sarah and Bailey host a Christmas party at their apartment, while Charlie decides to go on a long distance road trip with Kirsten. He feels so guilty about his fling with Rosalie that he quits his job at the garage and finally confesses to Julia about his infidelity. He used to be a rebellious teenager before his parents died. Portrayal Dec 2, 1998. Bailey misunderstands Sarah's frustrations towards Annie as she struggles to find a new job. Elsewhere, Bailey likes Kate Bishop, the pretty customer he meets at his after-school job at a local shoe store, but is saddened to learn that she has a boyfriend. Meanwhile, Sarah is worried because Bailey is drinking too much, but he says he's only celebrating. Meanwhile, a troubled Julia convinces everyone that everything is all right in her relationship with the abusive Ned, and it leads Griffin to madness. You're not supposed to give your last name. Elsewhere, Justin shows up for a visit, and Julia paints a nice picture inspired by him. Sarah Zamora Reeves-Merrin is a new addition to the show in the second season as Bailey's girlfriend. He and his wife pick up Claudia, who is very disappointed at Bailey. As a result, Claudia breaks up with Byron and unfairly blames Julia for stealing her boyfriend. Julia does not want to rush into having sex with Justin. She meets a boy who is the son of the hotel's owner and they kiss. Robin later tells Sarah that she's leaving in two days for an acting job in Hollywood. Sarah: That sounds good. Griffin reacts by angrily yelling back at Julia, claiming that he's always had a problem with authority stemming from the lifelong abuse and mistreatment by his abusive, military-minded father. A fortuneteller tells Kirsten that she would not marry Charlie. Charlie reveals that he's back at school, taking night classes at Berkley. Bailey finally gets his driver's license reinstated and also feels the same romantic feelings for Sarah. Charlie tells him how it was when their parents were still alive, so Bailey decides to apply for college, writing about his mother in his essay. Julia and Griffin go to Social Services and offer to take care of Claudia and Owen and manage to get them released. Charlie has a hard time trying to be there for both Owen and Diana and gets little sleep. Will surprises Bailey showing up at his place for a weekend visit. When Charlie and everyone else is unsympathetic to Griffin's plight and refuses to help out, Julie approaches and begs Major Chase Holbrook to help Griffin and not abandon him. Claudia is hanging out with Jody, and they steal a bottle of rum from the bar and get drunk. Charlie has a slogan contest at Salinger's, and the winner wants to bring homeless people to have dinner at the restaurant. As a result, Social Services are called and they pick up Claudia and Owen after they find both of them alone and unsupervised at the house. After a tough year of his own, a newly-sober Bailey (Scott Wolf) regains his freedom and his confidence from running Salingers' as his relationship with Sarah (Jennifer Love Hewitt) moves from friendship into romance. She's an actress named Robin Merin, and she tells him that she does not want to meet her. Watch the full fourth season here: https://www.youtube.com/show/SCMykG9hrONsh9IRemFk9U1w?season=4Subscribe to the Throw Back TV channel: https://bit.ly/ThrowBackTVYouTubeFollow Us on Social:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/throwbacktvofficialInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/throwbacktvofficialAbout Party of Five:Five siblings manage life after the loss of their parents. Six months after their parents were killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver, the five Salinger orphans are struggling to make ends meet and keep their family together to raise their 10-month old newest brother Owen. Bailey later leaves and shows up at Kate's house, where they reconcile. Sarah is shocked to find out that her biological mother has died in a plane crash. After confronting him, Bailey figures that the man who is helping him is in fact his maternal grandfather Jacob 'Jake' Gordon (guest star. Claudia grows tired of Jody after she drags Claudia to a party where she is pressured to make out with a boy. 1.01 Pilot Bailey is revealed to be living with Will and both of them work as roadies for a heavy metal band after Bailey dropped out of college and never stopped drinking or grew up. Afterwards, Martin tells Charlie that Bailey might have a drinking problem, but Charlie still refuses to accept that idea, even though everybody else thinks so too. She reveals to Charlie and Kirsten about her difficulties and doubts about Luke, which Kirsten sees as a parallel to her own life with Charlie over his busy hours at the furniture factory. Bailey and Charlie agree to help each other. After finding out more about Ned's relationship with his abusive parents and his autistic brother Richie, Julia wants to get closer to Richie. Charlie Salinger: Okay. Kirsten starts dating a lawyer named George, which makes Charlie jealous and regrets not making his move on her. Jake does comes back and apologizes, but Bailey can not get over it. Meanwhile, Clau. After Griffin confronts and mouths off to Julia's stern boss for making her work too hard, Julia gets fired. Meanwhile, Bailey and Sarah's relationship starts to get serious. Afterwards, Joe has a serious talk with Bailey, where once again Bailey tries to pass the blame for all this on his dead father as well as the fact that Nick Salinger never told his children or anyone else about his drinking problem since alcoholism is hereditary. Tired of hiding their romantic relationship to Natalie, Bailey and Annie decide to tell her the truth, but she does not take it too well. Season 4. As the new baby keeps Charlie and Daphne on edge, Bailey is challenged by the arrival of a successful restaurant owner while Julia learns of the complex relationship between Ned and his demanding father. Julia, Bailey and Charlie leave town to drive up to their family cabin up in the Sierras to relax while Charlie waits for the results of his latest medical test. You should smile. One day Nick and Diana Salinger were killed in a terrible car crash, and left their five children all alone. Griffin continues to keep the truth about his financial problems from Julia and decides to borrow a lot of money from a "business associate" named Howie. Charlie has to kick them out so his clients would not leave, and Grace prints in the newspaper a bias opinion what he did, giving him a hard time. Sarah's vindictive father presses drunk driving charges against Bailey for the accident that put Sarah in the hospital after Bailey refuses to back off from being with her. Julia's plea seems to work as Griffin's father hires a professional U.S. Army lawyer who works out a plea deal; Griffin will not do prison time, but has to go away for six months to a military academy in Louisiana. Meanwhile, Charlie has pneumonia and is back to the hospital. Charlie enrolls Kirsten in an overseas program, but changes his mind when he finds out that she'll be gone for two years. Owen and Bailey's relationship isn't very positive or negative due to Owen's young age. Claudia, on the other hand, is a home-schooled violinist, having gone on various world tours in which she wants to quit her profession for a little rest. A male teacher is hitting on Julia, and she feels uncomfortable. He and Julia get closer and their relationship seems to be filled with love again; but it turns out to be short-lived. Birthday The fight between Charlie and Bailey for the custody of Owen continues. They are taking pictures on the street when she spots Justin strolling with another girl, named Corey (guest star Kate Hudson). Charlie has a secret and will not tell, so they think he might be on drugs. Charlie is sad, and when they talk, Grace tells him that she does not want to have children. Charlie eventually shows up at Kirsten's wedding and she finally runs away with him. Callie tells him that she wants someone like him. They try to talk to Bailey about it, but he will not listen. In Massachusetts, Claudia's former boyfriend, Jamie Burke, arrives at her school for a visit, but she wants to leave him in the past in order to fit in more with her new friends. Meanwhile, Julia, working all summer as a receptionist, runs into Griffin, who has arrived back in town without telling her. Kirsten gets a job far away and they have to deal with the distance. Ned is rushed to the hospital, while Griffin gets arrested. Party of Five Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Claudia asks Mrs. Gideon not to split them up. Grace shows up and Charlie invites her to stay, and they all happily celebrate Christmas. Claudia has to find a plumber to fix the pipes and gets yelled at by Charlie because it costs $3,000, but she says she's only age 13 and that was not her job. Julia assures Walter that she can forgive him for killing their parents. Julia packs her bags and leaves to Stanford, while Bailey has to take off Claudia away to Massachusetts to boarding school. Meanwhile, Charlie seeks Kirsten's advice about Daphne. Griffin decides to not get back together with Julia, and he finally decides to sign their divorce papers. Bailey, trying to protect his family, kicks Jake out of the house, which divides the family. Bailey finds out that Will is back in San Francisco and is chauffeuring wrestlers for a living after dropping out of college. Arnie's parents are breaking up, and Claudia makes a plan to get them back together, which fails. Elsewhere, Claudia tries to lead a normal, perfect life at her new school and has little interest in rebelling with her new friends. Julia wants to make her and Evan's relationship public, but he becomes very hesitant. Bailey does not believe Joe, but Charlie does and proves it to be true with stories from his childhood. Meanwhile, Sarah wants to make peace between Annie and Bailey, so she finally decides to get them together to resolve their problems. Bailey and Julia are so busy that they do not show up. Julia is still shocked by Ned's violent behavior, and she would not talk to anyone about it. Meanwhile, Bailey and Annie quit their short relationship over both of their AA sponsors advice not to get involved due to their fragile states. Charlie collapses on a racquetball court, and he is diagnosed with having lymphoma. Joe responds that even if Bailey did inherit his father's alcoholism, he also inherited the will to stop drinking. Bailey feels threatened by his presence, and they have a fight. Julia is accepted in Stanford, but is not sure she wants to go. Sarah confesses her love to Bailey. They fight because she thinks he's controlling her too much. He is a main character and appears in all episodes. Charlie wonders if Grace really wants to be there. Charlie Salinger: A lounge night. Meanwhile, Daphne's irresponsible mother (guest star. He worries about her safety because she lives in a dangerous neighborhood. As the family takes in P.K., they soon worry that hiding him could get them in trouble with social services when P.K. The show only ran for 1 season, which only consists of 19episodes. In this alternate world, set during a weekend of planning Nick and Diana Salinger's 31st anniversary party, all of the siblings are insecure with their parents, whom they cannot stand up to. When he refuses to name the teammate who was involved in the incident, aware that the teammate will be unfairly punished, he is suspended from the football team. Bailey is shocked when Kate tells him she plans to remain a virgin until she marries. The next day Bailey goes to the cemetery and finds yellow roses by his mother's grave. Back in San Francisco, Kirsten's mother, Ellie, is spending a few days living at the Salinger house with Charlie and Kirsten because her marriage is falling apart. Because he lied about his profession, Kirsten dumps George, and accuses Charlie of being jealous and admits to being impressed with Baileys bravery. Meanwhile, Cooper lets Bailey crash at his place. Sarah and Julia are writing about their family dramas and Justin decides to write about Julia's pregnancy, which makes her really furious. Bailey: I guess I better practice. On the way back home, Bailey and Claudia pass by an AA meeting at a local church, and Claudia tells Bailey to go and he does. Serial Party of Five First season 8th epi by name Kiss Me Kate I own nothing Enjoy. He decides to make a will just in case. Meanwhile, Julia wants the immature and irresponsible Griffin to find a place of his own and gives him some money, but he spends all the money (and his) buying her a car to impress her. After taking a pregnancy test, she finds out she is not, which makes her thrilled. They reunite. Also, Claudia is rightfully convinced that Grace is too self-absorbed with running for city council and does not care about her and Owen, so she makes up a story about a reporter wanting to meet her just to spend some time with Grace. Grace begins to think that moving in with Charlie was not a good idea after she has an encounter with a woman at a grocery store while shopping with Charlie and Owen in which the woman mistakes Grace (a black woman) as being Owen's nanny instead of Charlie's girlfriend. That she is pressured to make out with a boy who is the son of hotel! 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