Entertainers? (, It is very important to know your blood type, as there is a chance that you might need to give or receive blood in your lifetime. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. A third of all men and a tenth of all women lack the Xg protein that carries the mysterious blood type Xga on their red blood cells, i.e. This contributes to the short supply, since it will be the one most frequently used. Was it a disease of Spanish Royalty? It is not generally known from where the negative RH factor derived, although tantalizing evidence exists that it arrises from genetic experimentation a little over 5,000 years ago. As Rh antigens are proteins, they seem to be lacking in the blood configuration of Rh-negative people, and researchers are puzzled by this fact. As you can see the vast majority of RH- people come from the Basque people of France and Spain, and then Europe has the second highest percentage. Platelets Look around you at society in general. A study conducted in the US in 2015 found that men in particular often reported mental health disorders including panic, antisocial personality, and attention deficits. More sensitive vision & other senses. "Now we are in the process of introducing it in the clinic and aim to find out what this exciting protein does and the consequences of the fact that so many of us don't have it," concludes Martin L Olsson. Lower body temperature or by genetic engineering called arranged marriages? TheTruthBehind is a passion project conceived, developed, and maintained by two friends. (, People with Rh- blood type make up around 15% of the world populationand they all share characteristics that are typical for their blood group. These folks can also donate to A, B, and AB blood types. O Rh negative Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. Higher blood pressure (some say lower either way one extreme to another never quite right) The reason is that you want them to match in order to reduce the risk of side effects. ScienceDaily. (Video), Sufi Zikir, Sufi Dhikr (Halvet-i Uaki), Parvani the Peacock: Shree Skandas Mount, The Sacred & Gracious Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra | 1008 Times Nonstop Chanting, Powerful Mantra for Healing and Wellness in the Modern Era, The Day America Experienced a National Spiritual Awakening, Bhagawan Nityananda Ashram in Kanhangad, Kerala, India, The Force is explained in Star Wars (Video), Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram by Krishna Das, SitaRam SitaRam SitaRam Jaya SitaRam (Video Chant), The Elephants That Came To Dinner (Video), The Great Legacy of Moorish Culture on the Iberian Peninsula (Photos), Kundalini Awakening: The Sacred Spiritual Journey Guided By The Guru-Disciple Relationship, WEIGHTED BLANKETS: How they can promote sound sleep and help heal, Tour of Giverny with Claude Monets Home & Gardens, What Its Like To Be Electro Hypersensitive With Maria August (Video), Don Rickles Roasts Frank Sinatra in 1978 (Video), A Glowing Image of a Christ-like Figure Appears Off the Coast of Italy (PHOTO), Heres how they are stealthily doing the 5G roll-out, China Censors the Popular Yanxi Palace SeriesHeres why, Merry Christmas & Happy Year Year! Type O: These people have neither A nor B antigens. In some areas, the Rh-Negative blood factor is referred to as Blood Royale or Royal Blood. Beautiful Poetry By Sufi Saint Yunus Emre, Look at what the Sri Lankan navy pulled out of the ocean, Photo of 80-person Human Chain in Gulf Of Mexico. There are many interesting alien theories and stories associated with RH negative people and even some medical facts associated with these people that puzzle even the medical experts. Get the latest science news in your RSS reader with ScienceDaily's hourly updated newsfeeds, covering hundreds of topics: Keep up to date with the latest news from ScienceDaily via social networks: Tell us what you think of ScienceDaily -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. Scientists have tried to pinpoint their origin with little success. Its curious that marriage can be a dynastic undertaking but it can also be a perverse form of bio-warfare or genetic warfare. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. This makes it very rare for use in emergencies and blood transfusions in hospitals. Its in your genes because of this Draco influence. AB Rh positive Mixed, Human types 1 and 2. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The RH- recessive alleles (+/-) make up approximately 60% of the Basque people and 40% of the Europeans, so that means that a higher percentage of RH+ people in Europe are carrying the genetics of the RH- factor in their DNA. One of the alien theories is that they were created from crossbred between the Annunaki, believed to be extraterrestrials that established the Mesopotamian civilization with ordinary humans. It would appear that Victoria is actually a direct descendant of Ferdinand of Castille, who retook he city of Castille in 1236, where the surgeon Abulcasis had counseled King Hakam II about a family whos sons died easily. Geneticists generally claim the RH-negative factor is a mutation of unknown origin which apparently happened only a few thousand years ago. Some most common risks after birth include: jaundice anemia low In part it could be due to the fact that people today lean to an acid pH. There is a link between parents blood types and their childrens. Simply put, their positive blood contains a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. While AB can receive blood transfusions from all other types, O is a universal donor, meaning that their blood can be used for anyone else for a transfusion. The results show that there is a relation between the genes (namely chromosome 1, where the RH factor is determined, and chromosome 9, which determines the blood type) and the sexual orientation. Many O RH-negative people on the planet are also holding karma from the Draco Empire. Over the past ten years, researchers have developed methods to determine many of our blood types using DNA technology rather than by red blood cells. Some who were O RH-negative have switched to A RH positive which is the TOTAL OPPOSITE to O RH-neg. BLOOD TYPES CONSPIRACY & RH FACTOR And, there is a small percentage of the world population that lacks this protein. Furthermore, the vast majority of these latter individuals happen to reside in northern Europe. http://www.unhas.ac.id/~rhiza/saintis/zahravi.html. Start Your Senior Yoga Journey: 5 Tips to Get You Going! (Video), MAHASHIVARATRI: The Greatest Night of Most Auspicious Beginnings, 23-feet-tall idol of Nataraja installed in Kumbhakonam in Tamil Nadu (Photos), Shri Nityanand Samadhi Mandir in Ganeshpuri, India (Murti Photo), The Swedish chef cooks up a RAMBUNCTIOUS plate of spaghetti (Video). This makes it difficult to determine the patient's own blood type. However, my father was a Freemason in the 1960's but only at a lower level. This microbe is STILL alive after 5000 years plus when the mummy dust is placed in a ph perfect solution the same as the live blood, it returns back to life. Even though there are many theories related to people with negative RH blood type, their origin remains to be a mystery, and it attracts people who love stories of people who have superpowers and are special. A Rh negative Mixed, God and human type 1. People with blood type A have more cortisol, a hormone related to stress, and have hard times when it comes to stressful situations. Other interesting facts that were found in this study are that: People with blood type A have bigger chances of experiencing a blood clot that those with blood type 0, People with blood type 0 are more likely to experience a bleeding disorder, Women that are RHD positive have bigger chances of getting pregnancy-induced hypertension (7), According to another study conducted by the Department of Research in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India, people with AB, 0 blood types, and people that are RH negative have lower chances of getting COVID infection, but when it comes to mortality and severity of this disease and all blood groups were susceptible to high infection and mortality equally (8). The gap is still empty and leaves some big questions about the origins of these people. Register Or Sign In, Please sign, by joining together we can change the world. 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He is also AB negative, I am the only one of my siblings who is negative blood-typed as I am B negative and I was asked if I was interested in joining the Masons by a business colleague in the This microbe which is visible only with a highly modified dark field microscope that was custom built for us was STILL ALIVE. To be more geographically accurate, most people with the highest concentration of RH negative antigen, meaning 40% have RH negative blood type, is found in one small isolated part of the world somewhere between Spain and France on the Iberian peninsula, in the Basque region. Strange Facts About RH Negative BloodPregnancy. Rh positive genes are more dominant than Rh negative ones. Race. About 15 percent of caucasians Rh negative while 5 to 10 percent of African Americans don't have the protein on the red blood cells. Highest Rh negative Rate. As we know from the history, Zahra competed in grandeur and magnificence with Baghdad. If the blood of the fetus somehow mixes with the mothers, the body will know its not her own blood and will fight against as its a foreign entity. The lab experiments showed that a small variation close to the XG gene prevents the transcription factor GATA1 from binding to the DNA, which is why the Xg protein cannot be expressed in the red blood cells in some people. Type AB: These people have both A and B antigens. (5), Moreover, almost 30 % of Basque people have 0 blood type and a very low frequency of group B, which makes them unique. Type B: These people have the B antigen. All biochemical reactions and electrical (life) energy is under pH control. And among these questions are the theories that suggest that these people do not have the same origins as the rest of us do. As an inventor of many surgical instruments, Al-Zahravi is famous for developing instruments for internal examination of the ear, internal inspection of the urethra and for applying or removing foreign bodies from the throat. Science at this very time is attempting to create a synthetic RH negative O blood, but without success. The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by all medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. That would indicate that the vast majority of rulers and monarchs are NOT Rhesus-factor negative. Effects of Rh-negative pregnancy. We scour the internet across everything that is unexplained, and we share this world of intrigue and phenomenon with our visitors. Life in the slow lane or rather the gator lane. The finding makes it possible finally to determine also the Xga blood type using genetic typing/methods. He was born and brought up in Zahra (zorro?) We have also tested this on mummy dust. Of course a high percentage of such material sometimes seems above and beyond reason or possibility. During experiments that our team conducted we heated the blood to 700 degrees F and also put it in Liquid Nitrogen. In case you need a laugh today, these animals will cheer you up. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. Although the British would love for you to think that Victoria was the worlds first carrierdont be confused. A Bear Takes A Walk Through The NeighborhoodUPRIGHT! One more interesting fact is that according to one study regarding sexual orientation, a high proportion of homosexuals were RH negative compared to heterosexuals. No solid scientific explanation exists as to how or why Rh- blood came about. It appears that the Basque Rh-neg factors come from ancient Berber sea farers as early as 8,000 BC! Content on this website is for information only. Then you begin to wonder just where a supposed blue blood like Victoria got her Arab Royalty Disease??? 10 UNIVERSAL PROBLEMS OLD SOULS EXPERIENCE, Valentines Day Celebrates the Greatest Gift a Human Being Can Receive, Some People Trading Lawns for Veggie Gardens, Take a Moment and Look See Who Else Stops to Smell the Flowers, 5 Secrets to Wu Wei, the Taoist Principle of Effortless Effort. To prevent this risk, there is an injection which pregnant women with Rh-negative blood types carrying an Rh-positive baby are given, to prevent the antibodies being developed. If your blood type is negative, then your blood cells lack the Rh protein. Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi, Welcome to 2017! People with Rh- blood type make up around 15% of the world populationand they all share characteristics that are typical for their blood group. B Rh positive Human type 2. Of all blood donations, there is the least of O-negative blood. Their body temperature is generally lower than average, By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Its around 6 percent. Still, Hemophilia was in Royalty long before Victoria. 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Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily, its staff, its contributors, or its partners. O Rh positive Mixed, God and human. As far as his history as to how the different blood groups came about is pure hogwash. Do you see people getting exhausted, burned out, and quick to anger? People are either Rh-positive (they have the protein) or Rh-negative (they This was found in the same study as the one looking at mental health. HANUMAN GAYATRI MANTRA: The Most Powerful Mantra to Invoke the Presence of Lord Hanuman (Video). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 1 in 6 Million people in this world are RHnull Rh negative blood is copper-based Evidently one of the possible anomalies or diseases that might be connected is called MORGELLONS DISEASE which are technically micro-BUGS that are ELECTRICAL. That through some as yet undetermined epoch, the genetically impure group gradually became the controlling species, except for several remote enclaves, initiated a wide-ranging genocidal pogrom, effectively wiping out those who gave birth to them. In practice, it's actually only one system -- the Xg system -- that has continued to elude physicians and researchers over the years. August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse : Stay indoors! We have no doubt that we are being lied to and fed propaganda on a daily basis. The relationship of all three must be kept at a specific PH balance of 7.0 to 7.2. Basque people also differ from other people in Europe in many physical and cultural features. Lund University. Welcome Guest, About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. (, On the other hand, people with Hashimotos disease can be more associated with people with blood type 0. If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. The most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age. Here is something for all of you to think about: There is a race of people in a remote region of China that are only 3 4 feet tall and speak a language spoken only within that remote area. How An Unexpected Friendship With A Wolf Transformed A Whole Town. WebAs incredible as it may sound, the blood of an Rh negative pregnant woman can be completely incompatible with the blood of an Rh positive baby, or babies, that she is Empathy & Compassion for Mankind If the baby's Rh factor is positive, like their father's, it can be an issue if the baby's red blood cells cross to the Rh negative mother. (, Moreover, almost 30 % of Basque people have 0 blood type and a very low frequency of group B, which makes them unique. they are Xga negative. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. There are many theories out there regarding the reasons behind this deficiency, and some even suggest that Rh negative people are literally from another world. If your blood type is positive, then your blood cells have the Rh protein. They all have the very rare blood type of B-negative. For while the protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of negative blood cannot which is quite interesting, and may be indicative of an alien origin, or more probable, from early genetic experimentation during previous advanced human civilization(s). Will Future Computers Run On Human Brain Cells? The positive or negative sign next to the blood groups is known as the Rhesus (Rh) factor. The Rh factor is an inherited protein that can be found on the surface of the red blood cell. If your blood type is positive, then your blood cells have the Rh protein. If your blood type is negative, then your blood cells lack the Rh protein. Al-Zahravi served in the capacity of the court physician to King Al-Hakam-II of Spain. One of the rarest blood types in the world is Rh null, sometimes referred to as golden blood . More of this is going to be revealed as more understanding of REAL RNA/DNA Coding is researched. As an example, look at the battery of your car. Materials provided by Lund University. (11). All of which begs the questions: What reasons were the sub-species created, what was the process of conquest, what was the duration, and does it continue? One study found that having RH negative blood type can be beneficial when it comes to a parasite named toxoplasmosis, which may have serious side health effects if left untreated. This reasoning would suggest that the original humans on our planet where not directly related to the apes, but at some point were MADE or genetically engineered to give such impression. They also have extra vertebrae, sensitive vision, are very sensitive to sunlight, and high blood pressure. If European royalty are no disposed to intermarriage with Rh-Negs, it may be because they are avoiding the arab bloodline? According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, if a woman has Rh-negative blood type but her fetus is Rh-positive, then an Rh incompatibility arises which can cause complications during pregnancy. That is why it is up to each of us to readto watchto think for ourselvesand hopefully to one day findTheTruthBehind.. 2022 - thetruthbehind.tv. In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. (, Another theory associates the blood type of these people with the, One study found that having RH negative blood type can be beneficial when it comes to a parasite named toxoplasmosis, which may have serious side health effects if left untreated. For centuries, European royalty have been inflicted with Hemophilia or bleeders disease. Right with Left handed, astigmatisms in both eyes, and striptobismus think thats how is spelt, + Hazel green&brown eyes, height 5ft 7in, artistically creative, and curly brown hair, intuitive, needing to trust myself more sometimes. In addition, people with RH negative blood groups can only receive blood from other people with RH negative blood groups. The most common blood type group worldwide is 0+, while the rarest one is the AB negative. Websites discussing the Rh-negative blood type have a general list of known associations: blue, green, or Having an RH negative blood may be looked at as a strange anomaly because a small percentage of the population has it. It appears that people with negative blood types are more at risk of developing mental health issues. Who was this ancestor? The Rhesus protein lives on the surface of red blood cells and can give us some interesting influences, but the most important has been understanding the risks of different Rh factors during pregnancy. So, while the blood from an A-negative donor can be used with 40% of people, the platelets can help anyone in an emergency.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Only c. 2% of blood donors have B-negative blood type. Perhaps not all of whom are from this planet, pardon the reference but I just couldnt resist. With B-negative blood, the following groups can benefit from a transfusion:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); It is tough to find new donors, so if you are a B-negative blood type, its essential to give blood to support others. Whole Town null, sometimes referred to as golden blood one of the rarest is! And among these questions are the theories that suggest that rh negative blood secrets people have neither a nor B.. Competed in grandeur and magnificence with Baghdad the gap is still empty leaves! Royale or Royal blood bleeders disease seems above and beyond reason or possibility or cancers! & Rh factor is an inherited protein that can be found on the are... Golden blood donate to a, B, and we share this world of and... 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