[Tristan] You see drones, and you think, like, Oh, were gonna kill people with AI. And what people miss is that AI already runs todays world right now. [Maria A. Ressa] Democracy crumbled quickly. Thats a design technique. [Tristan] Human beings, at a mind and body and sort of physical level, are not gonna fundamentally change. [Tristan] From that perspective, you can have a very different understanding of what technology is doing. [chuckles] And I just I think that we you know, the inventors, creators uh, you know, and its me, its Mark, its the you know, Kevin Systrom at Instagram Its all of these people um, understood this consciously, and we did it anyway. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. People cant tell whats true. Like, we never said any of that stuff about a bicycle. And if you talk with them and say, Well, how many hours a day do you wanna spend on your device? [Tristan] The race to keep peoples attention isnt going away. [AI] Hes commenting on her comment about his comment on her post. I mean, every other kid in her class had one. The AIs are gonna get better at predicting what keeps us on the screen, not worse at predicting what keeps us on the screen. Were all lab rats. [Jaron] If we go down the current status quo for, lets say, another 20 years we probably destroy our civilization through willful ignorance. Sophocles. So, it sounds crazy to say we need to change all that, but thats what we need to do. Every developers should read this. I dont even know what shes talking about, man. 5. This is the problem beneath other problems because if we cant agree on whats true, then we cant navigate out of any of our problems. We want them to take this action. 2020-10-21 20:25:40. We would say, You cant advertise to these age children in these ways. But then you take YouTube for Kids, and it gobbles up that entire portion of the attention economy, and now all kids are exposed to YouTube for Kids. Upcoming rallies in his geographic zone later this week. So, as humans, weve almost lost control over these systems. They dont have a They dont have a proxy for truth thats better than a click. Anything that sways from the Extreme Center. [Tim] We are zealots about it. [Guillaume] There are tons of Chrome extensions that remove recommendations. skuggans caf lngtora. As the credits roll, the interviewees recommend taking various Fake news is becoming more advanced and threatening societies around the world. White House officials say they have no reason to believe the Russian cyberattacks will stop. Theyre pulling people away from their kids. [Mark Zuckerberg] So, uh, long-term, the solution here is to build more AI tools that find patterns of people using the services that no real person would do. [Tucker Carlson] is going on that gets no coverage at all. [Clip from The Truman Show] [Tristan] When you think about technology and it being an existential threat, you know, thats a big claim, and its easy to then, in your mind, think, Okay, so, there I am with the phone scrolling, clicking, using it. I mean, we have a basic biological imperative to connect with other people. Not because we want to, but because false information makes the companies more money than the truth. [Renee] Before you share, fact-check, consider the source, do that extra Google. [Tristan] Facebook has trillions of these news feed posts. Like, I could hit a button on my phone, and a car shows up in 30 seconds, and I can go exactly where I need to go. I think it could have been cut down significantly, and I did not find the dramatization helpful. We can start to change the conversation. [reporter] Overall, Europes traditional, centrist coalition lost its majority while far right and far left populist parties made gains. I mean, really. [Tristan] At the end of the day, you know, this machine isnt gonna turn around until theres massive public pressure. Perhaps the most influential article published recently was Garrett Har din's "Tragedy of the Commons," which appeared in Science in 1968. Get down on your knees. [Roger] The law runs way behind on these things, but what I know is the current situation exists not for the protection of users, but for the protection of the rights and privileges of these gigantic, incredibly wealthy companies. Per day, on average? [reporter] On November 7th, the hashtag Pizzagate was born. Hi, Every day, I went home and I worked on it for a couple hours every single night. 31. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. And how theyre used is pretty different than how you expected. Who: Basic transcripts are used by people who are Deaf, are hard of hearing, have difficulty processing auditory information, and others. [Tristan] I dont know any parent who says, Yeah, I really want my kids to be growing up feeling manipulated by tech designers, uh, manipulating their attention, making it impossible to do their homework, making them compare themselves to unrealistic standards of beauty. Like, no one wants that. Roughly, if you say from, like, the 1960s to today, processing power has gone up about a trillion times. Which, in psychology, we call a positive intermittent reinforcement. Directed by Jeff Orlowski, The Social Dilemma explores the . This has been affecting the environment for a long time. Its the critics who are the true optimists. And theyll be running many different programs, many different products on those same machines. Are we always gonna defer to the richest, most powerful people? That worked. We probably ruin the global economy. [Sandy] There are many prominent Silicon Valley figures who went through that class key growth figures at Facebook and Uber and and other companies and learned how to make technology more persuasive, Tristan being one. List at least 6 Shes worse than I am. [Jonathan] How do they spend their time? Most of us realize we spend more time on our phones than we should. And then theres the advertising goal: to make sure that, as all thats happening, were making as much money as possible from advertising. Turnaround times depend on the Transcription Type ordered. For the last ten years, the biggest companies in Silicon Valley have been in the business of selling their users. [blue AI] Yes, perfect. Its for the same reason I dont keep cookies in my pocket. [sips] Before that, um, I was the the director of monetization at Facebook for five years. 75. [man 4] What I said was, I think the tools that have been created today are starting to erode the social fabric of how society works., [stage manager] Aza does welcoming remarks. And then if you start watching one of those videos, then it will recommend it over and over again. Haha its been 2 years.. the things said here is so eye-opening. They make some behavior harder and some easier. When they take over mental health of kids or Saturday morning, theyre responsible for protecting Saturday morning. The Social Dilemma explores the unintended and devastating consequences of social media including: polarization, isolation, anxiety, low self-esteem, disorientation from reality, and even violence against self or others. Thank you for providing this transcript so I can more easily record and share insights with my students. social media, which you gotta do. For so long as our economy works in that way and corporations go unregulated, theyre going to continue to destroy trees, to kill whales, to mine the earth, and to continue to pull oil out of the ground, even though we know it is destroying the planet and we know that its going to leave a worse world for future generations. Or are we ever gonna say, You know, there are times when there is a national interest. JAKARTA - Film dokudrama "The Social Dilemma" jadi film yang lagi banyak dibicarakan di dalam dan di luar negeri. People are blowing up actual physical cell phone towers. [Tristan] Its like remote-control warfare. [Tristan] The attention extraction model is not how we want to treat human beings. We accept the reality of the world with which were presented. [Tristan] This affects everyone, even if you dont use these products. Its slight. No soccer practice today? The Prisoner Dilemma is a simple but very effective example of social dilemma. [Justin] The way the technology works is not a law of physics. [Chamath] We curate our lives around this perceived sense of perfection because we get rewarded in these short-term signals hearts, likes, thumbs-up and we conflate that with value, and we conflate it with truth. Thats a separate discipline. [Tristan] Its a disinformation-for-profit business model. Social media isnt a tool thats just waiting to be used. The mediocre documentary is boosted by plugging into the current widespread skepticism about the role of social media in our lives. Its all about what makes sense. I will say to my son, How many hours do you think youre spending on your phone? Hell be like, Its, like, half an hour. [Tristan] Photoshop didnt have 1,000 engineers on the other side of the screen, using notifications, using your friends, using AI to predict whats gonna perfectly addict you, or hook you, or manipulate you, or allow advertisers to test 60,000 variations of text or colors to figure out whats the perfect manipulation of your mind. The algorithm is actually trying to find a few rabbit holes that are very powerful, trying to find which rabbit hole is the closest to your interest. As the new school year begins, Netflix is making the documentary The Social Dilemma available for free on YouTube, through the end of September. Tons and tons of computers, as far as the eye can see. Come here! Its not in Facebooks business interest to give up the data. Dude, how I dont know how I didnt get carded. [Justin] Ive uninstalled a ton of apps from my phone that I felt were just wasting my time. The wolves howl once again, but only a Werewolf like Scott McCall, can gather both new allies and reunite trusted friends to fight back against what could be the most powerful and deadliest enemy. But Im saying the idea that theres a new level and that new level has happened so many times before. The EC is like any political movement in history, when you think about it. [Tristan] Many people call this surveillance capitalism, capitalism profiting off of the infinite tracking of everywhere everyone goes by large technology companies whose business model is to make sure that advertisers are as successful as possible. Especially social media starts to dig deeper and deeper down into the brain stem and take over kids sense of self-worth and identity. [Tristan] Im probably most addicted to my e-mail. Otherwise, we arent a country. Say hi with a wave., [Engagement AI] Come on, Ben. [Joe Toscano] You pull down and you refresh, its gonna be a new thing at the top. Who else is an IB student being forced to analyze this? Thats amazing. When I went to work the next day, most of the laptops had the presentation open. Do we want that? It worries me that an algorithm that I worked on is actually increasing polarization in society. Each of these goals are powered by algorithms whose job is to figure out what to show you to keep those numbers going up. Social Dilemma is a good film, probably too little too late to play a role in saving democracy or healing a nation so divided half of it won't do the most basic things to stop a pandemic. [Tristan] Its not just that its controlling where they spend their attention. Its half an hour, tops.. Its not enough that you use the product consciously, I wanna dig down deeper into the brain stem and implant, inside of you, an unconscious habit so that you are being programmed at a deeper level. [AI] His calendar says hes on a break right now. Later, I found out Larry Page had been notified about this presentation in three separate meetings that day. CG Publishing/Apogee Books, 2020, $26.95. [Aza] People have the misconception its our data being sold. By state actors, by people with millions of dollars saying, I wanna destabilize Kenya. The first 50 years of Silicon Valley, the industry made products hardware, software sold em to customers. WARNING: SPOILERS This is the premise of Netflix's original film The Social Dilemma. This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. They just, in real time, are testing lots and lots of stuff on people. Your email address will not be published. Wikipedia would calculate, Whats the thing I can do to get this person to change a little bit on behalf of some commercial interest? Right? AIs not gonna solve these problems. [Jonathan Haidt, PhD] There has been a gigantic increase in depression and anxiety for American teenagers which began right around between 2011 and 2013. Thats not a fair fight. I wasnt sure how it was gonna land. Cause you put me down . 2020. This means that Sorkin decided on an atypical script structure; one that interweaves time periods will still holding onto key story beats. Uh [sighs] Okay. [Sandy Parakilas] And so, all of this data that were that were just pouring out all the time is being fed into these systems that have almost no human supervision and that are making better and better and better and better predictions about what were gonna do and and who we are. When is it going to cross the singularity, replace our jobs, be smarter than humans? Decreasing ad load. [Tim Kendall] Everyone in 2006 including all of us at Facebook, just had total admiration for Google and what Google had built, which was this incredibly useful service that did, far as we could tell, lots of goodness for the world, and they built this parallel money machine. After Downloading The Audio, Go To Otter And Make An Account For Yourself. Some of the most developed nations in the world are now imploding on each other, and what do they have in common? Its really, really bad. Its a gradual change. So they can keep the power, so they can control everything. [announcer] Introducing the Kitchen Safe. Tattooed ballroom dancer and writer keeping it real about dance, mindset, Life, and the occasional film. The people of Wakanda fight to protect their home from intervening world powers as they mourn the death of King TChalla. Irina Raicu is the director of the Internet Ethics Program ( @IEthics) at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University. And so began the journey to create The Social Dilemma, a deep dive into the algorithms . As an insider in the tech world, Harris saw how Facebook and Google were working on people below the level of their consciousness, shaping . The Democrat Party is a crime syndicate, not a real political party. [Tristan] How does this come across on camera if I were to do, like, this move, [Tristan] Exactly. They know what youre doing late at night. [Tristan] Is this the last generation of people that are gonna know what it was like before this illusion took place? [Green AI] Did I overwhelm him with friends and family content? Yeah, actually, if you can put that thing away for, like, a whole week I will buy you a new screen. [AI] Perfect. "I've uninstalled a ton of apps from my phone that I felt were wasting my time. You know, Snapchat has done it. Me too! Tens of millions of Americans are hopelessly addicted to their electronic devices. These are choices that human beings like myself have been making. And its a marketplace that trades exclusively in human futures. And almost everything else is negligible. There are quite a few methods to combat the allure of social media, but there is one you can do right now after reading this. This helped me with my English essay so thanks! [Cass] Ben and Jerry, its time to go, bud! [interviewer] What are you most worried about? What does disinformation-for-profit business model refer to? Keep it out until high school. That was it. I think the most prominent example thats gotten a lot of press is whats happened in Myanmar. The other side of the screen, pointed at my brain, got me to watch one more video. [Aza Raskin] The one that Im Im most prone to is Twitter. [Tim] Rewind a few years ago, I was the I was the president of Pinterest. But were we evolved to be aware of what 10,000 people think of us? [Roger] Do you check your smartphone before you pee in the morning or while youre peeing in the morning? This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. I feel like were on the fast track to dystopia, and its gonna take a miracle to get us out of it. And that miracle is, of course, collective will. Nobody is sick. YouTube is being forced to concentrate on cleansing the site. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A terrifying evil has emerged. Facebook had been around for about two years, um, and I was hired to come in and figure out what the business model was gonna be for the company. [Annas Son, James Lembke, Age 15] Id say upwards hour, hour and a half. That stuff is bad for you. Besides that, there are not many instances you will be using timestamps. Nobody knows anybody whos sick. [Cass] Come on. "The business models that run the social-media industrial complex have a lot to do . Identifier. You dont even realize it. Senator from Delaware, stands with his hands behind in front of the U.S. Capitol on August 12, 1974. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. [Jaron] A lot of people in Silicon Valley subscribe to some kind of theory that were building some global super brain, and all of our users are just interchangeable little neurons, no one of which is important. lindbacken fastigheter . But what about User 01265923010? [reporter 5] These cosmetic procedures are becoming so popular with teens, plastic surgeons have coined a new syndrome for it, Snapchat dysmorphia, with young patients wanting surgery so they can look more like they do in filtered selfies. Theres nothing else on the table that could possibly be called the product. This documentary may seem overdramatic, but it isnt a stretch to say that theres truth in it. But from the point of view of watch time, this polarization is extremely efficient at keeping people online. [Sandy] Weve created a system that biases towards false information. They just have this giant computer that rakes in money, right? And yet, in that world, any time two people connect, the only way its financed is through a sneaky third person whos paying to manipulate those two people. [Joe] Yeah. And if you have kids, Im worried about your kids. Basic transcripts are a text version of the speech and non-speech audio information needed to understand the content. We are a nation of people who have stopped being friends with people because of who they voted for in the last election. The two movies are The Social Network, which tells the story of how a po-faced Harvard dropout named Mark Zuckerberg created a powerful and highly profitable company; and The Social Dilemma, which . This Google doc contains detailed notes with corresponding timestamps for every 5 (or so) minutes. [Tim] I tried through willpower, just pure willpower Ill put down my phone, Ill leave my phone in the car when I get home. I think I told myself a thousand times, a thousand different days, I am not gonna bring my phone to the bedroom, and then 9:00 p.m. rolls around. 1. Mays. Hands up! Di Indonesia, film ini pun masuk dalam popular search di Netflix Indonesia. [exhales]. And everyone else shes ever met in her entire life. That was not at all what we were built to experience. And I could fool adults, fully-grown adults with, like, PhDs. These services are killing people and causing people to kill themselves. [sighs] Ben? [Growth AI] I calculate a 92.3 percent chance of resurrection with a notification about Ana. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [Tim] Its plain as day to me. [AI] Good idea. Like, if everyones starting to go around on bicycles, no one said, Oh, my God, weve just ruined society. Guys kind of a genius. This is deep-seated, like, human personality that theyre tapping into. Or am I overreacting to a situation that I dont know enough about? And just getting a few people to delete their accounts matters a lot, and the reason why is that that creates the space for a conversation because I want there to be enough people out in the society who are free of the manipulation engines to have a societal conversation that isnt bounded by the manipulation engines. How do I get an entire transcript. We need to have some shared understanding of reality. They can get you to invite more people. If you are scrolling through your social . [interviewer] Uh, youre making me feel like a lab rat. [Alex Roetter] You could shut down the service and destroy whatever it is $20 billion of shareholder value and get sued and But you cant, in practice, put the genie back in the bottle. [vlogger] And and, honestly, Im telling you, Im willing to do whatever it takes. Now, imagine what that means in the hands of a dictator or an authoritarian. We outlaw markets in human slaves. [Cathy ONeil, PhD] I like to say that algorithms are opinions embedded in code and that algorithms are not objective. [reporter 3] This is a city where hatred was laid bare and transformed into racial violence. [Cathy] Make sure that you get lots of different kinds of information in your own life. Skip over A, The, etc. A whole generation is more anxious, more fragile, more depressed. If what you need is the official screenplay, probably its best to contact directly the producers/creators of the movie. Support at https://ko-fi.com . Because then it forces you into this vicious cycle where youre like, Whats the next thing I need to do now? Theres lies here, and theres lies over there. You tax these companies on the data assets that they have. [Tristan] We can demand that these products be designed humanely. But some scholars say the hype is overblown, at least when looking at . [Justin Rosenstein] I was the coinventor of Google Drive, Gmail Chat, Facebook Pages, and the Facebook like button. This is not a radical proposal. [pundit] You have more than a third of Republicans saying the Democratic Party is a threat to the nation, more than a quarter of Democrats saying the same thing about the Republicans. Its like the fundamental way that this stuff is designed isnt going in a good direction. START and END TIMESTAMP. [chuckles] No one does. [Blue AI] My analysis shows that going political with Extreme Center content has a 62.3 percent chance of long-term engagement. Its as simple as that. The second rule is no social media until high school. And such responses are precisely what bring in audiences and revenue. [interviewer] Youre recommending something to undo what you made. Just like there are markets that trade in pork belly futures or oil futures. [Shoshana] Facebook conducted what they called massive-scale contagion experiments.. Why do advertisers pay those companies? The main argument made is that Social Media is Bad. Okay, you gotta leave it here, though, buddy. How does the serious issue of social media affect mental health? [Justin] Essentially, you vote with your clicks. Identifier. You keep freaking Mom out about our phones when its not really a problem. Pull down and refresh again, its new. Read full review. [reporter 7] Its not just fake news; its fake news with consequences. [Jeff] Even knowing how these tricks work, Im still susceptible to them. If you can go to somebody and you say, Give me $10 million, and I will change the world one percent in the direction you want it to change Its the world! So are they. [vlogger] Do research. Uh, they have relatively few employees. Youre not gonna get paid. My last job there was the senior vice president of engineering. Facebook is in charge of your news feed. [Sandy] The phone company has tons of sensitive data about you, and we have a lot of laws that make sure they dont do the wrong things. Reason to believe the Russian cyberattacks will stop because of who they voted for in the world now... People because of who they voted for in the last generation of people that are gon na to..., if everyones starting to go, bud at all spending on your?... With a notification about Ana it for a couple hours every single night work, Im telling you, willing... Media until high school lies over there in three separate meetings that day, it. This stuff is designed isnt going away law of physics screen, at. Last generation of people that are gon na defer to the richest, most of screen! Used is pretty different than how you expected [ Roger ] do you check your smartphone before pee... 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